
Replacement of Constitutional Chair

With a decision as the President of Liberal Democratic Party, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe replaced Chairman of Headquarters for the Promotion of Revision to the Constitution, Hajime Funada. Receiving frustration from the party members who thought Funada’s handling of discussion for Constitutional amendment as insufficient, Abe had to change the leader for his prioritized agenda. New chair is not known as an expert of constitutional issues. Abe must have appointed innocent person to deal with the issue by himself.

Funada has been said as responsible for selecting a witness who appealed unconstitutionality of new security bills in a testimony of Commission on the Constitution in House of Councillors in June. The witness, Professor of Waseda University, Yasuo Hasebe, surprised LDP supporters with his elaboration about violation of Article 9 of the Constitution and caused broad protest against new security legislation. The conservatives in LDP regretted Funada’s recommendation of Hasebe to the testimony.

Funada is one of the experts on constitutional amendment, which has been included in LDP’s platform from the beginning of history of the party. Although he is a firm supporter for reviewing the Constitution, Funada has been thinking that broad understanding from the opposite party was indispensable for the agenda. He was actually successful in achieving broad consensus in lowering the age for voting in election from twenty to eighteen. “I have to realize this transfer as an actual replacement,” told Funada about the decision of Abe.

The following chairman, Eisuke Mori, is a figure with no outstanding achievement in constitutional issue. “I think the reason of my pick for the chair should be focusing on making consensus,” told Mori. While Mori stressed his willingness not to invite internal criticism to him from the party, Funada should be the better person to make consensus in terms of cooperating with the opposite parties.

Speculations of Japanese media that constitutional amendment will be delayed by the appointment of a novice to the crucial post in LDP should be wrong. Abe can be thinking that innocent man will be more controllable than experienced expert. It is likely that Mori will simply follow the idea coming down from Abe or other leaders around him. The main focus of discussion over constitution will be whether supporters of amendment will occupy two-third majority in both Houses, lacking a sense of making broad consensus of the nation.

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