The coming election of House of Councillors
on July 10th will be the first chance for 18 and 19 agers to vote in
national election. They are mostly hopeful for participating in politics, which
sometimes determines their future. However, some students will not be able to
vote for any of the candidates. In the case that a college student who lives
away from parents, leaving her/his residential registration at parent’s house,
will be refused. An old law excludes some young voters from democracy.
As in other countries like United States,
it is not unusual for a student enters a college away from her/his parents and
lives in a dormitory around the college. Such students are financially
dependent on their parents. For students, their life must be focused on study, not
earning tuition through part time job. Although they get back home in summer or
winter recess, it is fair to say that their main life is in their school, not
parents’ home.
Public Officers Election Act determines
that a voter who does not actually live in the electoral district cannot vote
there and the local government can research whether the voters have actual
record of residence. While it is up to each election committee whether or not
to exercise the research, small towns tend to make it. After some local
governments made detailed research on young voters, they found a certain number
of voters who were not eligible.
One solution is voting absentee ballot. An
eligible voter who is away from home for long business trip or vacation can
exercise the right for absentee ballot before the election day. However, some
local governments reject such absentee balloting with reason that Supreme Court
formerly made a decision to determine the address of a student in the place of
the dormitory. Actual decision is left on each local government.
Voting right has to be respected as one of
the important human rights. As long as the right cannot be guaranteed without
exercising it, local governments must make every effort to let the young voters
vote. When they regulate that right, there has to be an indispensable reason. Japanese
citizens in foreign country can vote for every election at each embassy.
Lowering age for eligible voters was quickly
introduced with political intention to make constitutional amendment easier or legitimate.
Lawmakers of the leading parties thought that voting age of national election
should be the same as that of referendum for the amendment. They were too hasty
to check whole system of laws in Japan. That short hand caused inequality under
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