Mostly ignoring who caused the severe
accident in First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant five years ago, the government
of Japan keeps on pouring public money into recovering Fukushima. To clean up
radioactively contaminated land, it is going to save ¥30 billion for next
year’s budget. Although the cost for decontamination has been invoiced to Tokyo
Electric Power Company, the government changes its policy to request Japanese
people share for responsibility of the nuclear failure.
Cabinet led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is
going to decide basic policy for decontamination on Tuesday, which will not
request the cost for building “recovery hubs” in Fukushima. Special Measure Law
for Atomic Disaster determines that atomic business entity is responsible for
recovery from atomic disaster. Now, the government decides to pay for
decontamination to rescue TEPCO.
The government is going to set recovery
hubs in contaminated area in Fukushima starting from FY 2017. Those hubs will
be the places with law radioactive level after cleaning up and the government
will recover lost cities and towns in returning difficult area with annual 50
mSv of radioactive exposure. If the effort is successful, it hopes former
residents to start returning back to their home in 2017.
To appeal positive effort for
reconstruction of devastated area in Fukushima, the government decided to
accelerate decontamination without requesting cost to TEPCO. While the Guidance
for Recovery of Fukushima in 2013 requires TEPCO to pay for decontamination
plan in progress, there has been no plan about the payment for the returning
difficult area.
It is obvious that the government is
supporting a specific private company with pubic money. If the government is
paying for TEPCO, it needs to realize responsibility for its policy on nuclear
power generation and the accident in Fukushima with verification of the
accident and presenting new nuclear policy. Nevertheless, Abe administration
looks like doing everything to salvage incompetent TEPCO.
In the name of acceleration of Fukushima
recovery, the government is coordinating new scheme to add ¥2.4 trillion to
compensation for suffered people. The cost will be added to appliance fee of
all electric power companies in Japan except Okinawa, including new companies
for renewable energy that uses existing power distribution network. Although
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced that the whole cost of
disaster recovery would be doubling to ¥21.5 trillion earlier this month,
additional cost proved to be inevitable.
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