
Advancing to Constitutional Amendment

National convention of Liberal Democratic Party, commemorating sixtieth anniversary from its establishment, became a mass for declaring constitutional amendment as soon as possible. The convention approved party platform for this year, which included positive attempts for the amendment. Party members chanted Prime Minister and party president, Shinzo Abe, promising fundamental reform in various area and no one could protest his advance.

The platform reminded of the starting point of the party embracing constitutional amendment as fundamental policy. “We need to engrave our pride as conservative party that uphold constitutional amendment,” it described. To achieve that goal, the platform urged the party to cooperate with other parties, which are positive on this issue, to discuss a draft of the amendment. LDP did not hesitate call itself “conservative party,” leaving reluctant people behind.

In 2012, LDP released its own draft, which was ultra-conservative. It abolished Section 2 of Article 9, which determined not to have military force in any categories of ground, sea, air and the others and not to recognize right of war engagement of state. LDP also proposed renaming self-defense force as defense force to expand its activities. Considering the fact that there has been no such organization as “offensive force,” while aggressive force including Japan Imperial Army had historically existed, it is likely that such defense force will be offending other countries under the name of defensive war.

Backing off their true intention for amending Article 9, party leaders are thinking about beginning of the amendment from trivial changes in the provisions, such as right for environment or power of Prime Minister in disaster. “I want the people to be accustomed to constitutional amendment,” told an advisor of Abe affiliated to LDP. “Don’t be afraid, it’s easy,” is the message of the party.

Polls showed that pros and cons on constitutional amendment are mostly even. It explains a half of this nation thinks that the Constitution of Japan should not be changed at all. Abe is yet convinced in the amendment will not be successful in current situation. So, he and LDP are serious about propaganda for necessity of the amendment.

However, there is no persuasive reason that the Constitution disturbs people’s right for life, liberty of pursuit of happiness. It is possible for Japan to contribute peace and security in the world and it has actually been doing it. Constitutional amendment under Abe administration will further deteriorate relationship with neighbor nations, namely China and South Korea, returning Japan back to pre-war society that the old establishments in Japan hold nostalgia.

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