
Can Do Nothing

Three Japanese tourists were killed in the assault by terrorists on a museum in Tunis, Tunisia. The Japanese realized again that terrorism could happen any time anywhere. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe revealed again his incompetence on protecting Japanese nations from terrorist attack, just reiterating “Terrorism cannot be tolerated.” If the government of Japan wants to gain credibility of the people, it needs to work harder than ever to obtain information about terrorists’ activities. Readiness of the Self-defense Force for dispatching to region occupied by terrorists does not work for saving Japanese lives.

Abe expressed his condolence for three victims and sympathy for injured tourists. “Terrorism can never be tolerated in any cause. I strongly blame it. We are going to make every effort cooperating with international society,” told him to the reporters. Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga, announced to the nation to avoid traveling dangerous places and promised providing with necessary information. “It is the situation what may happen anywhere in the world,” told Suga. In short, the entire world is too dangerous to visit in Suga’s mind.

However, the warning level of Tunisia was the lowest among four categories before the incident happened. That is the critical evidence of laziness of Japanese government. Since Tunisia became the starting point of Arab Springs, terrorists had been targeting the country. Tunisian militants were coming back from the training of terrorist groups. The government of Japan did not know about, or ignored at lease, those trends. Without those kinds of warning information, victims participated in a tour conducted by Japanese travel agent.

The main reason why Abe condemned terrorism was not for promising detailed information about terrorist activities to the people, but for justifying his agenda to expand the role of Self-defense Force. In the discussion of new legislation for security, readiness of self-defense force for rescuing Japanese citizens is one of the controversial points. But, what could the Self-defense Force do for saving lives facing immediate threat of terrorism in such cases as in Tunisia? Nothing. The most important measure the government should do is to provide information as accurate as possible in advance.

Under this administration, it is uncountable how many Japanese people will further be killed by terrorists abroad. The government will even not be able to block terrorists coming in Japan. The Japanese people need to remind of new version of JFK’s saying, “Ask not what your country can do for you, -- ask what you can do for yourself.”

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