
Grass-roots Opposition from Local

While Prime Minister unilaterally promotes his ultra-conservative political agenda, opposition rises from local communities all over Japan. A number of local assemblies submitted opinions against security legislature of Shinzo Abe administration during a year after Abe Cabinet decided that exercising collective self-defense right was constitutional. It shows insistent opposition existing in local community, alienating military activism in Tokyo national government.

According a survey operated by Kyodo News Agency, 469 opinions on collective self-defense or new security bills from 339 local assemblies, including 6 prefectural congresses, were submitted to House of Representatives or Councillors. Among them, there were 463 opinions that required abolishment of the cabinet decision or careful discussion over the security bills. Only 6 demanded passing the security bill.

Firm opposition occupied over sixty percent of all opinions. 296 opinions argued that the cabinet decision should be void or security bills should be turned down. It was not strange for a local community, which does not acknowledge any external security threat, -- actually does not exist --, to oppose unnecessary redefinition of peaceful constitution. It also was natural that they thought new security bills would make Japan further dangerous against outer threat, as long as they did not recognize any existing danger.

Clear oppositions against new security bills expressed various concerns. “It will pave the way to participate in a war started with preemptive attack of United States, based only on decision of Tokyo government,” said an opinion of Village of Oshika, Nagano. “It may bring retaliatory terrorism to Japan,” warned Town of Naka, Tokushima.

Fundamental question on Japanese democracy also came up. “It is obvious that the new security bills violates Constitution of Japan,” argued Town of Kanayama, Fukushima. “The bills are something to be determined by national referendum,” told Town of Kushimoto, Wakayama.

On the other hand, supporters insisted on duty for international community. “As a member of international society, we need to responsibly contribute to the world,” expressed the opinion from City of Hachioji, Tokyo. But, Hachioji even required the Diet of designated effort to achieve broad understanding from the public.

In local towns, there are a few jobs for young people to get. One typical choice of local young juveniles is joining self-defense force for maintain their life. For local communities, it is them who fight a war caused by unnecessary security legislature that stimulates potential enemy. Local people feel separation between Tokyo and their hometown in Abe’s security policy.

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