
Still Unable to Return

Japan is approaching the 6th anniversary of East Japan Great Earthquake and severe accident in First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. The government of Japan is going to lift evacuation order for the residents in four towns or village around the plant in March 31st or April 1st. While the resident can choose one of two options, return or stay, most of them are supposed to stay in the city where they have lived for six years.

After the accident in the plant, which emitted a huge amount of poisonous radioactive materials with break down of nuclear reactors, Japanese government issued evacuation order to 81 thousands of people living around. In 2012 and 2013, it rearranged the evacuation area into three categories, difficult to return, restricted to live and preparing for lifting evacuation order. All the evacuees except from the area difficult to return were planned to be able to return their home by March 2017.

The evacuees will be separated between the 57 thousands who can go home and 24 thousands who cannot. In the area which the government decided to be returnable, they kept on cleaning the land for removing radioactive materials. Recognizing the land to have been decontaminated to the level of annual 20 mSv or lower, the government offers the people getting back home.

However, only a few evacuees are supposed to return. The residents of Naraha town, to whom evacuation order was lifted in September 2015, did not get back home except 11% of them. Although the order for the evacuees from Katsurao village was lifted in June 2016, only 9% of them have returned. The main reason is because basic infrastructure such as supply of electricity, water or doctors in hospital are not sufficient for their ordinary life. But, basic concern is that the standard of radiation level set by the government would not be safe enough.

In an interview to Asahi Shimbun, Professor in University of Fukushima, Akira Imai, indicated that lifting evacuation would conceal the sufferers of nuclear accident, recognizing the damage of accident would continue for a long time. “The greatest problem is that the government integrates lifting evacuation into finishing financial supports,” said Imai. Primary reason why the government hurries up for lifting evacuation order is to end the compensation for them.

Most evacuees realize that they cannot get back home forever. Their empty homes are severely damaged without repair for these six years. While they hope to return their homeland as it had been, the government or Tokyo Electric Power Company cannot make it. The world needs to realize that it is the actual consequence of nuclear accident.


Remembering VX Terrorism

The Malaysian police realized on Friday that a son of former North Korean leader, Kim Jong-nam, was killed with deadly poison called VX. VX is familiar to the Japanese who can remember the consecutive domestic terrorisms plotted by a cult group, Aum Shinrikyo, in 1990s. The biggest question here is how two assassins did not suffer from direct treatment of such a poisonous material.

The chief of Malaysian National Police, Khalid Abu Bakar, announced that the police detected VX nerve agent from a sample obtained from the face of dead Kim. Two female suspect, one was Indonesian and another was Vietnamese, trapped Kim between the front and back and rubbed certain kind of liquid on his face within a few seconds in Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

The suspects did it with bare hand and escaped the airport with taxi after washing their hands in a restroom. While Kim could walk in a clinic in the airport, he eventually got ill and died in a hospital where he was sent from the airport. There was no injury on the surface of Kim’s corpse.

The suspects have shown no aftereffect of treating the poison. Experts suppose that they might have mixed two less poisonous materials on the face of Kim. Some indicated a possibility that the suspects had taken antidote before the assassination. Four agents with North Korean nationality are supposed to have conducted the assassination.

VX is introduced in Japan as the strongest manmade poison on earth. Aum Shinrikyo used VX gas in the cases assaulting possible spy of police or supporter for deserting the organization in 1994 to 1995. It can be absorbed into human body through mucous membrane of the eyes or nose. The poison can reach every corner of the body through artery in a short time.

Mainichi Shimbun revealed that a convict of death row with crime of terrorism by Aum Shinrikyo in 1995, Satoshi Nakagawa, had referred to a possibility of use of VX in a letter to Professor Anthony Tu in Colorado State University before the announcement of Malaysian police. Nanagawa knew well about VX as a medical expert who committed a murder with VX gas. “Since VX increases secretion, it does not contradict with symptom caused by VX,” told Nakagawa on the report of form around Kim’s mouth. Nakagawa could use VX with long sleeve clothes and glove, because VX would not be vaporized.

It is realized that North Korea possesses certain amount of chemical materials possibly been weaponized. The assassination of Kim Jong-nam ironically demonstrated the ability of the despotic regime to commit chemical terrorism. United States considers listing North Korea as one of the terrorism supporting states again.


277 Conspiracies to Be Punished

Newspapers carried scoop news about the outline of new legislation creating Crime of Preparing Terrorism or Else, which would be a different version of Crime of Conspiracy. The legislation would determine 277 kinds of crime to apply. While the list selected certain serious crimes related to terrorism, they reserved arbitrariness in the legislation for arresting anyone they would like before committing actual crime. It is not rule of law but rule of man.

Shinzo Abe administration has been seeking legislation for Crime of Preparing Terrorism or Else to ratify United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime in 2000, which was already ratified by 187 countries or regions. The convention requires the parties to legislate punishment against serious crimes with detention for four years or more. There are 600 or more kinds of crime in Japan, which can be recognized as those serious crimes.

Japanese government interpreted the convention as requiring legislation against serious crimes committed by criminal organization and selected 277 crimes within five categories actually assumable as committed by organized criminal group.

Category 1 is activation of terrorism, including organized murder, arson to inhabited structure, hijacking, firing gun, splashing poisonous chemical materials like sarin. Category 2 for drug lists up 29 cases like smuggling or distribution of cocaine or opium. Category 3 is exploitation of human including human trafficking, illegal immigration of collective stowaways, forced labor or selling and buying internal organs. Category 4 lists up organized fraud or blackmailing, forgery of securities or concealment of criminal profit, and Category 5 is about interference against judicial process like perjury, destruction of evidence or supporting getaway.

They are the crimes to be punished. It is the problem, however, that they are recognized as crimes even in the situation of preparation. If there is an agreement on activation of serious crime, the activity will be punished even before committing actual crime. To limit the application of the legislation, the crime has to be done by organized criminal group, which purpose of assembly is activation of listed crime.

It is concerned that the government will be able to investigate any organization including labor union or private association. When the police unilaterally realized a group having changed into criminal assembly, its members would be arrested immediately. The opposite parties oppose the legislation with concern of arbitrary exercise of state power against innocent citizens.


Doubt on Shinzo Abe Memorial Elementary School

Democratic Party is enthusiastic in investigation on a case in which Ministry of Finance sold off state-owned land in Oasaka to an educational corporation for building new elementary school. DP is focusing on why the Ministry discounted the price so much. In the process of investigation, it was revealed that the corporation was trying to build Shinzo Abe Memorial Elementary School.

MoF sold 8,770 square meters of land in Toyonaka City, Osaka, to Moritomo Gakuen Corporation at the price of ¥134 million last June. But, the estimated price of the land was as high as ¥956 million, which meant the purchase to be 86% off. MoF explained that the discount was compensation for removing garbage found in underground. Who would believe a story of paying ¥822 million for removing garbage underground?

Moritomo Gakuen is run by an ultraconservative man and a member of Japan Conference, Yasunori Kagoike. The corporation poses the kindergarten kids in its preschool reciting Emperor’s Direction for Education in the time of Imperial Japan. DP found that the preschool had sent a letter to the parents, which described hate against Chinese and Koreans.

New elementary school, planned to open this April, invited Abe’s wife, Akie, as its honorary principal. Akie sent a message to the school to explain that she had accepted the offer with deep respect on the corporation’s diligence for education. The message was removed from the webpage after the doubt on ridiculous discount was discovered. Realizing possible scandal, Akie gave up being the honorary principal.

DP also realized that Moritomo Gakuen raised a donation for establishing Shinzo Abe Memorial Elementary School. Anyone can suppose that political intervention could exist behind the discount. Abe explained that he asked not to use his name. “In spite of my repeated dismissals, they used my name. It was extremely regretful,” told Abe in the discussion in Budget Committee in House of Representatives on Friday.

Although the opposite parties demanded MoF to disclose the record of selling off the land, the Ministry refused it with reason of having scrapped it. As shown in the eve of unconditional surrender in August 1945, bureaucrats in Japan tend to scrap documents inconvenient to them. MoF insists on that they have been following guidelines for dealing with official documents. They also tend to translate laws conveniently.

Abe promised that he would resign Prime Minister and lawmaker, if he, his wife or his office had been involved in illegal selling off state-owned land. The people are watching closely what is going on in the Diet.


Compensation for Residents around Airbase

While the residents around Futenma Airbase for United States Marine Corps in Okinawa, which was once called the world most dangerous base by U.S. Secretary of Defense, have been suffering from noises of touch-and-go practice of military aircrafts, that cannot be paralleled with the roar of fighter jets in Kadena Airbase. In the third round of the lawsuit on Kadena Noise Case, a regional court in Naha ordered the Government of Japan to pay compensation for the complaints. However, the court dismissed the demand of the residents to stop the flight.

Kadena Airbase is the greatest base of U.S. Air Force in the Fareast. From the base with two 3,700-meter runways, fighter jets, cargo aircrafts or antisubmarine aircrafts took off to the battlefield in Vietnam War or Iraq War. Not only belonging F-15 Eagle, but F-22 Raptor often visits Kadena. The base is located in the western coast of main island of Okinawa, stretching to the City or Towns of Kadena, Okinawa and Chatan.

Twenty-two thousands of the residents around Kadena Base indicted Japanese government requiring compensation for their health deterioration by huge noise of the aircraft. When a fighter jet leaves the runway, explosive noise not only makes them deaf but also shakes their houses. The plaintiffs demanded stopping taking off and landing in the early morning and the night, not to bother peaceful sleeping.

Okinawa Branch of Naha Regional Court ordered Japanese government to pay those residents ¥30 billion, recording the highest compensation leaving the same kind of lawsuits in Atsugi – ¥8.2 billion – behind.“In spite of the fact that the noise around the base was public concern in as early as 1970s, the governments of U.S. and Japan has not taken necessary measures and been leaving illegal damage behind,” told the presiding judge, Tetsuya Fujikura.

The plaintiffs are not satisfied with, anyway. The court did not recognize the power of Japanese government to stop the flight of those fighter jets. This is the ordinary logic of third-party activity, which has been introduced in past cases. As long as U.S. Force ignore the decision in those lawsuits, the people cannot achieve peaceful life around the base. Dense population of Japan cannot afford Air Force base around.

One of the lawyers for the plaintiffs indicates that the logic of third-party activity gets rid the government of qualification to deal with the issue. “While the decision criticizes the government, the court issues an indulgence. It was a decision both by angel and devil,” said him. The plaintiffs made their mind to continue the protest until the flight would be stopped.


Always Being with the People

A day before his 57th birthday, Crown Prince Naruhito had a press conference in his Palace on Tuesday. While it was ordinary for him to receive questions from the press before his birthday every year, the press conference was something special, because it was the first opportunity since his father, Emperor Akihito, delivered his “words” last August. Naruhito explained his idea on Imperial system of Japan, which regarded Emperor as the symbol of the state.

Naruhito listened to the words of Akihito in Nagoya train station after finishing official event in Aichi on August 8th last year. Realizing his father having sincerely been exploring how the symbolic Emperor should behave, Naruhito revealed that he embraced emotion on the Emperor’s concern not being able to carry out his responsibility. “I take the Emperor’s thought seriously and will fulfill my responsibility with consideration of his sentiment,” told Naruhito.

Shinzo Abe administration and the parties in the Diet are discussing legislation for abdication. The biggest question for them is how symbolic Emperor should be. “It is important for the Emperor to consider the way past Emperors took and the provision in Constitution of Japan that the Emperor is the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people, to secure peace of the people sharing joy and hardship with them, and to keep on seeking ideal way for symbolic Emperor,” told Naruhito.

It was unusual for the Prince to refer to old custom of past Emperors. To explain the importance to have opportunities for approaching the people, Naruhito quoted the words of Emperor Gonara (1497-1557), which was regretting not having taken care of the people in the time of disaster or pandemic. “I would like to remind of those deeds by former Emperors, think and pray for the people, and be with the people sharing delight or sorrow as the Emperor has been doing,” said Naruhito.

Naruhito has been telling that the role of Imperial House would change as time goes by. Decrease of male family of Imperial House is current problem in the paternalistic system. Knowing the seriousness of current situation, Naruhito insisted the importance of learning from the past, succeeding traditions and seeking ideal way the Imperial House to be. Quoting his participation to opening ceremony of Asian Winter Games in Hokkaido earlier this month on behalf of Emperor Akihito, Naruhito expressed his willingness to take active roles to succeed responsibilities of his father. He thanked his parents to take good care of the family.


Strange America of Alt Right

After the inauguration of United States President Donald Trump, a discriminative and white-supremacist movement called Alt Right is spreading in the undercurrent of U.S. society. For the Japanese who are familiar with tolerant culture of American democracy, their narrow-minded behavior looks extremely strange. News media in Japan are working hard for interpreting hidden sentiment of white majority.

Japan Broadcasting Corporation, or NHK, introduced the president of National Policy Institute, Richard Spencer, as the most noticed figure in Alt Right movement. In the program of Close-up Gendai in Tuesday night, Spencer was described as a leader who upheld clear separation of white Americans from ethnic minority, thought that the white had been disadvantaged by policies for equality, and admired by his supporters in a way pre-war Germans saluting “Heil Hitler.”

The program reported how that that movement harmed U.S. society. Emergence of apparent hate against minority intimidates peaceful life of colored citizens. Demonstrations against Alt Right depict deep division among the American people. While Spencer explained his activity as protecting rights for white people in the exclusive interview to NHK, a radical group of ethnic minority collected firearms to protect their lives.

Asahi Shimbun on Wednesday reported how Chief Strategist of Trump administration, Stephen Bannon, built up his influence to U.S. policy. After working for an investment bank and radio personality, Bannon joined the establishment of right-wing news site, Breitbart News. By sending discriminative messages through cyber space and being resonant with Trump’s intolerant policy against immigrants, Bannon made Breitbart closer to major media in U.S.

Breitbart raises sensational headlines on its site. Asahi introduced some of them: “Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture” or “The Solution to Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off.” That kind of extremism invited violence against far-right movement. Intolerant beliefs are eroding security of American society as a whole.

Even a right-wing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was not fully supportive for hate movement in Japan. Bipartisan efforts in the Diet passed Hate Speech Elimination Act last year, which declared intolerance to unjust discriminative speech against ethnic minorities including Korean-Japanese. Under the leadership of Abe, however, Japan has to keep relation with discriminative America of Trump.


Deep Rift over Abdication

Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of both Houses of the Diet held a hearing form the leaders of ten parties and factions on legislative measures for abdication of the Emperor on Monday. While four parties including the leading ones supported special legislation for abdication only applied to current Emperor Akihito, four parties and two factions required permanent legislation through amendment of Imperial House Law. It is unclear whether they can reach an overwhelming consensus.

Current legislation in Japan does not have any rule for Emperor’s abdication. Article 2 of Constitution of Japan rules that succeeding throne is determined in accordance with Imperial House Law and the law does not say about abdication. As the national anthem of Japan says, Emperor’s throne is supposed as continuing forever. Akihito cast deep skepticism on that conceptual misleading.

Liberal Democratic Party found that amendment of Imperial House Law would be difficult in terms of setting condition about intention or appropriate age for abdication and upheld special legislation for Akihito. Komeito followed the opinion of LDP as usual, as well as other small conservative parties.

Democratic Party kept firm standpoint that abdication would need amendment of Imperial House Law. It proposed establishing Imperial House Commission headed by Prime Minister to discuss abdication. Other opposite parties including Japan Communist Party or Social Democratic Party also demanded amendment of Imperial House Law.

Having realized deep opposition between the parties, Speaker of House of Representatives, Tadamori Oshima, embarked on coordinating to find consensus of the legislative branch. Newspapers reported that Oshima proposed his idea to insert supplementary provisions in Imperial House Law, which would be a legal basis of special law for Akihito.

LDP and Komeito are basically accepting Oshima’s proposal. Vice-President of LDP, Masahiko Komura, stated that the party would clarify the relationship of Constitution, Imperial House Law and special law as long as different opinion existed. On the other hand, Secretary General of DP, Yoshihiko Noda, told that the issue could only be treated with amendment of Imperial House Law.

The Constitution determines that the Emperor’s position is derived from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power. But the will of the Diet, which is the highest organ of state power, does not look like converging in one conclusion. Although their opinions will be submitted to experts’ conference under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, clear goal of the argument cannot be seen.


First Month of Trump

Newspapers in Japan reported on Monday that new United States President Donald Trump managed to survive for a month. One paper described the first month of Trump as “enthusiasm and confusion,” while another defined it “struggle for regaining centripetal force.” One thing clear is that drifting superpower is the greatest concern for progress of the world.

What Trump has been doing for the month was to implement his campaign promises. It’s now been a month since my inauguration. And I am here to tell you about our incredible progress in making America great again. I’m also here to tell you about our plans for the future and they’re big and they’re bold and it’s what our country is all about, believe me,” told Trump in a rally in Melbourne, Fl, on Saturday.

Here’s a fact check. What did he achieve? He raised “America First” in his inauguration. He issued an executive order of leaving Trans-Pacific Partnership, which United States had been promoting against basic skepticisms in the nations, on the day 4. Another executive order for suspending immigration of seven Islamic nations was issued on the day 8. On the day after firing acting Deputy Attorney General, Sally Yates, Trump criticized China or Japan as playing money market or devaluation.

Trump got mad at a department store that refused selling goods of his daughter’s brand on the day 20. Three days after he played golf with Japanese Prime Minister in Florida, Trump accused his intelligence organization of leaking information about the relationship between National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, and Russian Ambassador, which led to resignation of Flynn. Not only the Americans but the people around the world closely watched this soap opera.

Allies have taken distance from that confusion in the leader nation. After Trump tweeted that Mexico had to pay for building wall in the border, a meeting between Trump and Mexican President was cancelled. While appealing improvement in relationship with Russia, Trump promised North Atlantic Treaty Organization that he would keep asking responsibility of Russia for explaining its security policy including relation with Ukraine.

Embracing bitter memory of detention in the wartime, Japanese-Americans stood up against Trump’s immigration policy in Los Angeles on Saturday, memorizing the day of issuing an executive order by Franklin D. Roosevelt seventy five years ago. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received broad concern in Japan on being isolated in international community against reckless drive of U.S. after coming back from America. Trump achieved very low score from the world for his work in the first month.


Conservatism into the Classroom

The third graders will learn English. Disputed Takeshima and Senkaku Islands are inherited territory of Japan. Spirits for public interest will be engraved. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology published new curriculum guidelines for elementary or mid-school on Tuesday. It indicates that education policy of Shinzo Abe administration is getting intolerant of diversity of values.

The Japanese are the people who are the weakest in English language, because of great difference of their native language from English in terms of grammar, pronunciation or everything. New guideline introduces English class from the third grade, two year earlier from current system. The third graders will learn English mainly in listening and speaking for once every week. The fifth graders will have two English classes a week, including reading and writing. It is not sure, anyway, whether school kids make good English users through introducing English language in their mind before they build up the skill of Japanese language.

As seen in Japanese students or businessmen, the Japanese are not good at handling question without clear answer. Knowledge-based education in schools has made Japanese student focus on searching answer without taking care of idea, logic or capability of presentation. New guidelines does not care what to learn so much, but what can be done. Teachers will no longer give their students as much knowledge as they can, but let them actively search solution through discussion or group activity.

Fundamental purpose of education is enhancing children’s power to live. New guideline lists abilities of student to raise: knowledge, skill, thought, decision, expression, positive mind and humanity. By introducing a concept of “curriculum management,” the Ministry demands schools to have sophisticated education plan. Getting rid of popular concept for teachers, “active learning,” the guidelines require improvement of every class in “programming.” It is not sure whether every teacher understands what the Ministry is saying.

Nationalism is firmly injected into curriculum. In social study of the fifth grade, the guideline requires the teachers to refer to Takeshima, Northern Territory and Senkaku Islands as inherited territory of Japan. Mid-school teachers will explain that territorial issue does not exist over Senkaku Islands, for which China claims its ownership. The aim of social study is defined as cultivating identity as a member of nation or local community. Pride and love for local community or love for homeland and history becomes precious in public education. Conservatism is spreading in education under political leadership.


Assassination of Supreme Brother

Since Tuesday, news media in Japan has been focusing on reporting assassination of Kim Jong-nam, the eldest son of former supreme leader of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-il, in Malaysia. Nobody doubts the incident not being conspired by current supreme leader and Jong-nam’s stepbrother, Kim Jong-un. As the killing of supreme brother in North Korea does not matter to security of Japan, news media keep on telling who did that or how they did it.

Afternoon TV shows for housewives who had laid her baby in the crib or came back from sports gym explained how Kim Jong-nam was killed by two female suspects in the airport. Video footages indicated that one woman stood in front of Kim and sprayed him poisonous gas. Another woman held him in a Nelson hold from the back. Those women had passport of Vietnam or Indonesia.

Those female assassins reportedly testified to the police that they were asked to cooperate taking a prank video by someone unknown. A newspaper in Malaysia reported that the police was searching for four men with nationality of North Korea. It is supposed that Kim Jong-nam was killed by the agents of DPRK with an order of Kim Jong-un.

So, why did Jong-un need to kill his stepbrother? Jong-nam was formerly a candidate for succeeding his father. After Jong-un officially took the seat of supreme leader, Jong-nam had been an obstacle for stabilizing the regime. Asahi Shimbun reported that DPRK had been planning the assassination for five years. National Intelligence Service of South Korea announced its viewpoint that the assassination was plotted with paranoiac nature of Kim Jong-un.

Gossip newspapers in Japan reported a fury of China with big headlines. China had been supporting former Vice-chairman of National Defense Commission of North Korea, Jang Sung-taek because of his good handling of economic reform. But, Jang was liquidated by Kim Jong-un in 2013. Being close to Jang, Jong-nam had been protected by China in his escape from DPRK.

Japanese public was fundamentally shocked by abnormality of the assassination. An expert on the issues related to North Korea supposed that two women were not spies but the temporary undertaker hired by North Korean agents. North Korea has been plotting assassination with deliberate plan and well-trained agents. The case of Kim Jong-nam was apparently different from former patterns. It is at least sure that Kim Jong-un is labeled as a leader doing unpredictable things.


Impact of Adviser’s Resignation

In Japan, it would mean a fundamental failure in handling of politics. White House announced on Monday that United States National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, stepped down with skepticism of discussing anti-Russia sanction with Russian Ambassador to U.S. last December before he entered the office. Since he was recognized as a key person for security issues in Japan-U.S. bilateral relationship, Japanese government concerns the impact on the alliance.

Flynn was doubted to have contacts with Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, right after former President Barack Obama issued sanction against Russia as a penalty for cyber attack on Democratic Party during the Presidential campaign. It was supposed that Flynn had indicated to review the measure after the inauguration of new President Donald Trump.

Although Flynn denied the suspicion at the beginning of scandal, Washington Post revealed that an intelligence organization of U.S. government had detected the substance of telephone conversation between Flynn and Kislyak. “Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the vice President-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador,” said Flynn in his resignation letter to the reporters.

Even how the reporters with Washington Post were diligent in their job, it was highly unusual for a governmental intelligence organization to reveal secret telephone conversation to journalists. Anyone can suppose that the organization intentionally provided with information crucial to Trump administration. “Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?). Just like Russia?” tweeted Trump.

Flynn’s resignation was reported in Japan as damage on Shinzo Abe administration. Abe revealed in Tuesday session of the Diet that the head of Japan’s National Security Council, Shotaro Yachi, had detailed discussion with Flynn in Florida. Three hours later, the news of Flynn’s resignation came in. As Flynn was working for a contact to Trump before inauguration, Abe administration needs to look for another person to approach the President.

One can imagine that something is going on inside Trump administration. Japanese newspapers reported struggle between mainstream and tributary in Republican Party. It is speculated that mainstream topped by Vice-President Mike Pence was frustrated with the rise of Flynn or Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. While Trump’s approach might be a following wind for Abe who is seeking closer relationship with Russia, weak U.S. can cause weak alliance with Japan.


Accounting Huge Debt

Toshiba announced on Tuesday that its excessive debt caused by huge loss in nuclear power plant business in United States amounted to ¥191 billion at the time of December last year. The corporation postponed reporting its account settlement in order to investigate possible wrongness in one of its subsidiaries, Westinghouse. A giant electric maker, having represented high technology of Japan for a long time, is facing jeopardy of disorganization.

In the press conference on Tuesday, President Satoshi Tsunakawa revealed Toshiba’s loss in nuclear power plant business in U.S. amounted to ¥712 billion, causing ¥499 billion of net loss in the period between April and December last year. Asset value of a subsidiary of Westinghouse proved to be far lower than expected. Situation of nuclear power plant business had been deteriorated after the severe accident in First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in 2011.

Surprising enough, Tsunakawa revealed that Toshiba had to postpone its announcement of account settlement for one month with possibility of illegal accounting by board members of Westinghouse related to acquisition of a construction company on nuclear power plant. They are suspected to have put “inappropriate pressure” in reviewing asset value of the subsidiary. An audit firm of Toshiba refused to approve the account settlement with doubts. It is unusual for a company listed in the first section of Tokyo Stock Market.

Toshiba had a blueprint to separate its semiconductor business in search of financial resource, maintaining its leadership with major shareholding on it. Although it was an offer of 19.9% of share, investors did not recognize it as a good deal. Toshiba decided to raise the share up to over 50%, which would mean abandoning semiconductor business. Toshiba will lose another major business.

After the scandal of wrong accounting in 2015, Toshiba has been surviving by separating its business from main body. Those businesses included medical equipment or appliances, which had been major pillars of the corporation. If they release semiconductor, no major business will be remained. So, Toshiba is considering taking more time to sell semiconductor business. But, if it cannot get rid of excessive debt by the end of March, it is likely that Toshiba will be dropped from the first section of Tokyo Stock Market to the second section. The major brand in electric business in Japan can be dismantled for maintaining its financial credibility.


New Type of Missile Intimidation

The ballistic missile launched from North Korea to Japan Sea in Sunday morning was proved to be a new type of missile with improvement in anti-detection capability. It is possible that Kim Jong-un regime has been looking for an opportunity to demonstrate its development in missile technology, as it coincided with relaxed meeting of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and United States President Donald Trump. Firm alliance of both sides of Pacific Ocean or international organization such as United Nations cannot stop that unilateral intimidation.

Korean Central News Agency announced that North Korea was successful in the test launching of Polar Star II, new type of mid-range strategic ballistic missile, witnessed by Chairman of Korean Labor Party, Kim Jong-un. The missile was launched from Kusong, located in the western region of North Korea, cruised for 500 kilometers and touched down on Japan Sea. That point was 350 kilometers from eastern coast of North Korea and out of economic exclusive zone of Japan.

Headquarters of Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea analyzed that the missile reached to the altitude as high as 550 kilometers from the ground level. Yonhap News Agency reported that a South Korean government official determined it as a new mid-range ballistic missile using technology of submarine-launched ballistic missile. Its flying range was a little shorter than Musudan missile.

So, what was new about the missile? First of all, it uses high-output solid fuel to enhance cruising ability. The video footage indicated that the missile ignited fuel in the air after it was vertically shot up from launcher. Causing surprise of military experts, the missile turned at a right angle in the sky, which indicated high technology of hiding itself from enemy’s detection. Caterpillar beneath the launcher proves mobility. It is capable for the launcher to shot missile from anywhere invisible like dense forest.

Following denouncement to North Korea by the leaders of Japan and U.S., Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga, announced that Japanese government would consider the most effective measure as sanction against North Korea. United Nations Security Council released an urgent statement that blamed the missile launching against accumulated resolutions against North Korea. All those responses were what Japan or international society had already been tried, but always been ignored.

News reports has been indicating that North Korea obtained necessary equipments for the missile from neighbor countries including Japan or China. Six-party talk has not been working for a long time, without finding the best way to deter that isolated regime. Stalemate stemming from a fact that North Korea does not understand any language except military action has not changed so far.


Living As Toy Poodle

During legal dispute over immigration ban on certain nations in Middle East or Africa, the highly unpopular United States President Donald Trump showed warm hospitality for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Abe stayed in Trump’s private resort in Palm Beach, Fl, at Trump’s expense and played golf for one and a half round. Whet he achieved from Western media in his visit was nothing more than being dubbed as a toy poodle of Trump.

In spite of the fact that the main issue of the meeting of those top leaders was economy or security, the reporters in White House repeated questions on travel ban against the seven nations. To a question on ruling of 9th Circuit Court to turn down an executive order for the travel ban, which was not directly related to the meeting, Trump reluctantly reiterated his general argument that he wanted to keep the country safe.

European media, which were negative on Trump’s executive orders, became sarcastic on Abe’s approach to U.S. President who was trying to exclude unwelcomed immigrants. Der Spiegel of Germany described Abe as one of the few world leaders who would not frown at Trump. Le Monde of France was skeptical on whether Abe would be able to flatter with gold and gifts.

Abe was actually successful in drawing words from Trump that Article 5 of Japan-U.S. Security Treaty would be applied to Senkaku Islands. “The basis of peace and prosperity in Asia-Pacific region is firm Japan-U.S. alliance,” told Abe in the joint press conference, “ and its tie is unshakable and I and President Trump will promote further enhancement.”

As contradicting his former reluctance of maintain U.S. troops in Okinawa without further help from the host nation, Trump was satisfied with Japan’s support for U.S. Force in Japan. “I also want to take this opportunity, Mr. Prime Minister, to thank you and the people of Japan for hosting our armed forces,” said Trump in the press conference.

However, application of Article 9 does not guarantee that U.S. will risk the lives of U.S. personnel for collision between Japan and China over those small and unpopulated islands. During their relaxed dinner with their spouses in Florida, North Korea launched a ballistic missile to Japan Sea. Abe and Trump appeared to the press, interrupting the dinner, and delivered statements accusing North Korea. It proved that close relationship between Japan and U.S. could cause degrading peace and stability in Northeast Asia to a certain degree.


New Negotiation on Economy

The biggest headline about the first official meeting between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and United States President Donald Trump was about economy. “Japan and U.S. Establish Economic Dialogue” was a common headline on front page of Japanese newspapers. While the result was drawn by Japan’s strategy for not letting uncontrollable U.S. President be involved in direct negotiation on trade deals, future of economic dialogue is still invisible.

Trump had been a hardliner on business deals with Japan. He tweeted to demand construction of Toyota factories in U.S., indicating possibility of introducing border tax earlier this year. He decided withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership, leaving Japan still promoting the free trade deal. In the meeting with U.S. businessmen, Trump criticized Japan’s monetary policy as devaluating its own currency.

Nevertheless, Trump seemed have been as meek as a lamb in the meeting with Abe. Both leaders agreed on enhancing bilateral or regional economic relationship based on free and fair trade rules. Trump did not directly refer to actual demand on economic policy in forty-minute meeting. “The President and the Prime Minister reaffirmed their commitments to using the three-pronged approach of mutually-reinforcing fiscal, monetary and structural policies to strengthen domestic and global economic demand,” noted the Joint Statement.

The new framework of economic dialogue will be led by each administration’s number two, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Taro Aso, and Vice-President, Mike Pence. They will deal with three topics: fiscal and monetary policy, cooperative project on infrastructure or energy, and bilateral trade framework. Although the dialogue does not exclude discussing bilateral trade framework such as free trade agreement, Abe administration expects Trump coming back to TPP through discussion over the merit of the high-level free trade pact.

The economic relationship of both countries is still not foreseeable. Trump did not stop accusing devaluation. “As far as the currency devaluations, I’ve been complaining about that for a long time. And I believe that we will all eventually – and probably very much sooner than a lot of people understand or think – we will be all at a level playing field, because that’s the only way it’s fair,” told Trump in joint press conference at White House. Abe insisted on TPP for free and fair common set of rules, arguing that importance had not changed. New negotiation has just begun.


One China Policy Reappeared

For disappointment of Republic of China, United States President, Donald Trump, announced that he would maintain traditional One China Policy in a telephone conversation with President of People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, on Thursday. Trump’s handsome treatment for Taiwan did not continue a month from his inauguration. Japan recognizes his immediate policy change as balancing between Japan and China right before the meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visiting U.S.

According to the read-out of White House, Trump agreed to honor One China Policy at the request of Xi. “Representatives of the United States and China will engage in discussions and negotiations on various issues of mutual interest,” explained White House. Chinese Ministry on Foreign Affairs announced that Trump promised maintenance of One China Policy, understanding importance of that policy. “The principle of One China is political basis of China-U.S. relations,” told Xi, requiring respect on China’s standpoint that PRC was an only representative of China as a whole.

According to a report of Japanese newspaper, Xi told Trump that both nations could possibly be excellent partners each other. “I believe that the United States and China are cooperative partners and through joint efforts we can push bilateral relations to a historic new high,” replied Trump. Both leaders agreed on keeping close communication, exchanging opinions on mutually interested issues, enhancing exchange and cooperation in every area and expecting early opportunity of their meeting. They raised economy, trade and investment as actual activities for bilateral cooperation.
Japan does not fully welcome the improvement of U.S.-China relations. One governmental official focused on the timing of the telephone conference two days before Japan-U.S. summit meeting in Washington, D.C. It is possible that Trump balances hardliners represented by Peter Nabarro, Chairman of National Trade Council, with the moderates like Henry Kissinger who pays respect for U.S.-China relations. An officer with Ministry on Foreign Affairs of Japan regretted that U.S.-China relations was improved before Japan made progress in relations with U.S.

Abe administration puts the highest priority on reconfirming that Article 5 of Japan-U.S. Security Treaty is applied to Senkaku Islands, in which China claims its ownership. While Trump accuses China and Japan of their involvement in monetary market, he looks for preferable deals in economic relationship with both countries. Japanese officials warn a possibility of double standard of U.S. policy in the relationships with between Japan and China.


Refusing Answer on Crime of Conspiracy

To introduce an obsolete concept called crime of conspiracy in current legal system of Japan, Minister of Justice, Katsutoshi Kaneda, brought confusion in the discussion of the Diet. Questioned by the opposite lawmakers about the concept, Kanada kept on refusing his answer, arguing that the bill for crime of conspiracy was not submitted. Knowing that the Minister would be blamed, Ministry of Justice revealed a Q&A document to deal with discussion, made with an order of Kaneda.

In the discussion at Committee of Budget in House of Representatives on Monday, Kaneda repeated “in consideration now” or “will be explained after the bill submitted to the House.” Opposite parties have a concern that a law with crime of conspiracy can be a new version of Maintenance of Public Order Law, which was used for oppression on anti-governmental power in pre-war Japan. Kaneda was in hard situation to deal with that argument.

Kaneda ordered his staffs in Ministry to make a document about how to answer to the questions. The bureaucrats in the Ministry recommended him to consider that crime of preparing terrorism, another name of crime of conspiracy for the opposite, is in a situation of being discussed for submitting and discussion with the leading parties had not finished. Kaneda’s answer in the Committee was based on the document.

The document revealed by the Ministry also suggested that the bill should be discussed in the Diet with participation of a representative of the Ministry. “For constructive discussion meaningful for the people’s interest, in-advance notification from lawmakers about question is insufficient, if it were only a list of talking points, and it needs to be as detailed as we can properly answer. In short, the bureaucrats are saying “It’s us to discuss crime of conspiracy, not you guys, the opposite lawmakers. If you want us to answer to your questions, let me know what are you asking before the discussion.” This is inherent arrogance of Japanese bureaucracy.

The opposite parties require resignation of Kaneda, accusing oppression on discussion in the Diet. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seems to want him to stay. The right for lawmakers to ask Ministers questions is recognized by Constitution of Japan. The Constitution basically puts the Diet on the highest position in the government and Cabinet is responsible for the Diet. “Do not ask about it until we are ready for submitting the bill,” the Ministry degrades the legislative branch so much. It can be a conspiracy of bureaucracy to make the Diet subordinate to them.