
Impact of Adviser’s Resignation

In Japan, it would mean a fundamental failure in handling of politics. White House announced on Monday that United States National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, stepped down with skepticism of discussing anti-Russia sanction with Russian Ambassador to U.S. last December before he entered the office. Since he was recognized as a key person for security issues in Japan-U.S. bilateral relationship, Japanese government concerns the impact on the alliance.

Flynn was doubted to have contacts with Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, right after former President Barack Obama issued sanction against Russia as a penalty for cyber attack on Democratic Party during the Presidential campaign. It was supposed that Flynn had indicated to review the measure after the inauguration of new President Donald Trump.

Although Flynn denied the suspicion at the beginning of scandal, Washington Post revealed that an intelligence organization of U.S. government had detected the substance of telephone conversation between Flynn and Kislyak. “Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the vice President-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador,” said Flynn in his resignation letter to the reporters.

Even how the reporters with Washington Post were diligent in their job, it was highly unusual for a governmental intelligence organization to reveal secret telephone conversation to journalists. Anyone can suppose that the organization intentionally provided with information crucial to Trump administration. “Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?). Just like Russia?” tweeted Trump.

Flynn’s resignation was reported in Japan as damage on Shinzo Abe administration. Abe revealed in Tuesday session of the Diet that the head of Japan’s National Security Council, Shotaro Yachi, had detailed discussion with Flynn in Florida. Three hours later, the news of Flynn’s resignation came in. As Flynn was working for a contact to Trump before inauguration, Abe administration needs to look for another person to approach the President.

One can imagine that something is going on inside Trump administration. Japanese newspapers reported struggle between mainstream and tributary in Republican Party. It is speculated that mainstream topped by Vice-President Mike Pence was frustrated with the rise of Flynn or Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. While Trump’s approach might be a following wind for Abe who is seeking closer relationship with Russia, weak U.S. can cause weak alliance with Japan.

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