In early seventeenth century, Pilgrims started an effort to
build a land of freedom and opportunities. To achieve them has been called
American dream. On another continent, China began to refer to achieving China
dream. Still, it is unclear what exactly the dream is. Although the Chinese
have every right to be prosperous, they need to be careful of harming its
neighbors by being preoccupied with seeking their dream.
The speech of new president of China, Xi Jinping, was wholly
filled with self-assurance. “To achieve Chinese dream, you need to uphold
Chinese spirit. That is the national spirit with a core of patriotism, or the
spirit in the time of reform,” told Xi in the closing remarks of the People’s
National Congress on Sunday. So, what is the definition of Chinese dream?
According to a report of Sankei Shimbun, Xi reiterated the definition
of the dream as “great restoration of Chinese nation.” Behind that concept,
there is a sentiment that the Chinese have been forced to stay in a humiliating
situation after the defeat in the Opium War in the middle of nineteenth
century. The dream for China would be taking back those one hundred and seventy
years and emerging to the world as a superpower.
One of the ways for achieving the dream should be expanding
to Pacific Ocean. Xi emphasized the necessity of strengthening military power
to achieve the goal of making a super power. With maintaining moderate
relationship with the United States, China try to get rid of Japan’s influence
in the East China Sea by frequently invade Japanese territory around Senkaku
islands. Listing the words such as sovereignty, territorial security or
national unity, China is justifying its aggression to the sovereignty of Japan.
China defined the Sankaku as a core interest last year. Even
though the Chinese want to take Senkaku to cast their power to the ocean, it should
not be tolerated to unilaterally invade other’s territory with a background of
military power. And the Chinese also have to take care of their growth based on
sacrifices of others. It is recognized that polluted air in industrial region
in China is flowing to other nation’s territory. Responsibility for the
residents in this planet matters.
As long as the people in China is enthusiastic about their
growth, it would be unlikely for them to look back and think about their
neighbors. But if they ignore their responsibility and others’ inalienable
values, they will again be isolated in the world. If the dream had an
intoxicative effect, they are looking like going toward another Opium War. The
world is not as simple as it used to be one hundred and seventy years ago.
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