In the first meeting of a project team for regulation of
hate speech on Thursday, members argued that denouncing specific ethnicity
needed to be regulated, concerning criticisms from other countries. However,
some members realized sensitivity for not violating freedom of speech, even
though it was aimed at minority group.
Some connected the discussion with demonstration around the
Diet and the Official Residence of Prime Minister. Chairwoman of Policy
Research Council, Sanae Takaichi, showed her frustration on noisy
demonstration, saying “I hope to discuss this issue from a viewpoint of
protecting well-ordered freedom of speech.” For LDP, freedom of speech has a
reservation of “well-ordered.”
There have been Friday evening demonstrators around the
Diet, protesting resumption of nuclear reactors after First Fukushima Nuclear
Power Plant exploded in 2011. Frustrated with their arguments, LDP Secretary
General, Shigeru Ishiba, labeled noisy demonstration as “making no difference
from terrorism,” inviting strong backlash from the public.
The administration led by LDP passed the Quietness
Preservation Law to prohibit noisy demonstration of right wing organizations in
1988. According to National Police Agency, there was only one case every year
that violated the law around the Diet. What LDP feels to be noisy was not the
volume of sound, but their opinion. Democracy does not include killing opposite
opinion discretionally.
Secretary General of Democratic Party of Japan, Akihiro
Ohata, opposed to the discussion in LDP. “There is a natural difference between
hate speech and demonstration,” he told. New Komeito, a coalition partner of
LDP, also showed negative attitude against regulation of speeches around the
Excessive attitude in LDP showed immature democracy in
Japan. Opinion for them means opinion supporting them. Opinion against them is
simply noise. On the other side, noisy speeches from campaign cars in every
election are allowed, even how they bother peaceful life of ordinary families.
Discussion in LDP could not be tolerated.
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