Turning down his willingness for improving bilateral
relationship, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that he gave up a plan to
visit Beijing early next month. While various reasons were talked by people,
diplomatic situation between Japan and China, after all, was not as good as
those top leaders could have constructive conversation. Abe’s approach to China
was proved to be insufficient.
China invited Abe to a ceremony commemorating victory
against Japan in World War II, planned in Beijing on September 3rd.
Japanese government was making Abe’s schedule to attend the event after
military parade in the morning would be finished. But, the scenario was
dismissed for some reasons. “I will not attend the event hosted by China on
September 3rd. It was decided with consideration for schedule of the
Diet,” told Abe in a committee in the House of Councillors on Monday.
It did not make any sense. It had been obvious that important
schedule in the Diet existed in early September before Abe began to consider
possibility of the visit. The most controversial issue, new security bills, has
been settled when the House of Representatives passed them in July, enabling
the leading parties reapprove them, if another House would not determine the
attitude within sixty days.
It is possible that unofficial diplomatic session between
the governments was not successful. In Japan, it has been reported that China
showed restrained response against Abe’s statement on seventieth anniversary
from the end of war. But, the statement was an apparent retreat from former
statements, especially from Murayama Statement in 1995. China has been taking
advantage of those statements as a diplomatic card against Japan for decades.
It is unlikely for China to dismiss the card in a short period since Abe
delivered the statement half a month ago. China might have expressed
frustration with it through diplomatic channel.
Another element is United States. U.S. government has been
requesting its allies to take careful approach to the event, which Republic of
Korea seems to be ignoring, though. It is likely for Japanese government to
have looked into U.S. face. U.S. has a concern on the victory ceremony
including military parade that it may lead to an approval on violence of
Chinese government on its nations, sometimes seen in an event like Tiananmen Incident.
Putting aside China’s power politics on its neighbor, Abe
failed in getting momentum to improve the bilateral relationship that had been
exacerbated by his own insistence on historical revisionism. Although he expect
another opportunity for meeting with Xi Jinping or trilateral summit with China
and ROK, difficulty in diplomatic situation has not change at all so far.
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