Japanese government has been urging G7
countries to accept the schedule for Foreign Ministers to visit memorial
facility in Hiroshima, soon after the city was picked as the place for the
foreign ministers meeting last year. The member countries agreed on Japan’s
proposal. The ministers will see the exhibition of Peace Memorial Museum, which
includes miniature of Hiroshima City when the atomic bomb exploded in the sky
or nail, hair or other remains of the civilian victims.
The ministers will also give memorial
service in front of Atomic Bomb Memorial Monument. “It is extremely important
for promoting the world without nuclear weapon that the world leaders visit
suffered place and know the reality of devastation by atomic bomb,” told
Kishida in Hiroshima. He indicated that G7 member countries did not accept the
offer of meeting with suffered people called hibakusha.
Although Japan has been requiring U.S.
President to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the request has been turned down
with negative opinion of U.S. public. In the school of U.S., dropping atomic
bomb has been taught as a necessary measure to finish the war and avoid further
damages and victims. It is still unclear that President Obama will visit
Hiroshima or Nagasaki at the time of G7 Summit meeting in Tokyo late May.
While Obama has been eager to make the
world without nuclear weapon, its effort was slow and weak. In the Nuclear
Security Summit in Washington, D.C., the world leaders shared perception on
nuclear crisis brought by terrorists. Participants of the meeting watched a
short video of possible fall of radioactive materials from drone controlled by
terrorists. Threat is getting closer to the citizens.
United States appealed that over 3.8 tons
of highly enriched uranium and plutonium was removed from 30 countries and
concentrated to U.S. or Russia during six years of Nuclear Security Summit.
However, having nuclear weapon is still regarded as a status of powerful
country as North Korea perceives. It is necessary for world leaders to realize that
nuclear weapon does not produce any winner, but loser at all.
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