Abe administration submitted a bill for TPP
approval and eleven related bills for revising existing laws, which included
Copyrights Law, Patent Law or Anti-trust Law. “TPP produces a market with 800
million of population and generate 40% of world economy. It will be a basis for
Japan to overcome demographic decline and mid- or long-term growth,” told Abe
in the plenary meeting of the House. He insisted that TPP would contribute to
national interest of Japan.
The opposite parties do not think so. Even
though they do not oppose TPP itself, Democratic Party accuses Abe
administration that the substance of the agreement violates a resolution in the
Diet, which demanded TPP agreement not to damage domestic farmers for rice,
wheat, beef, pork, dairy products or sugar. “We will prove how Abe
administration has damaged national interest and threatened people’s life,”
said Chairwoman of Policy Council of DP, Shiori Yamao.
Liberal Democratic Party was firmly
opposing TPP in the election campaign of House of Representatives in 2012. The
opposite parties also criticize LDP of its change of policy. Abe defends
himself that he reconfirmed United States President Barack Obama about TPP
agreement not meaning total removal of tariffs. However, TPP abolishes tariffs
on some important products the Diet resolution listed.
Secret process of the negotiation is also a
target of the opposites. With request from DP, LDP submitted a document on
minister-level meeting between Japan and U.S., which records were entirely
painted black except the title. The document made no sense, reminding of despotic
regime. Disclosure is a basis for thorough review on foreign policy crucial for
the people.
TPP should be understood as a free trade
framework countering economic advance of China. But, it is questioned that Abe administration
has been trying to promote the negotiation in a way of deceiving Japanese public.
To prove fairness of the agreement, Abe has to open information about the negotiation
and present accurate calculation on the impact of TPP on Japanese farmers.
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