
Tokyo Extravaganza 2020

The investigation team of the Headquarter for Political Reform in Tokyo Metropolitan Government warned on Thursday that the total cost for Tokyo Olympic 2020 could exceed ¥3 trillion in their intermediate report. Although Tokyo achieved the ticket for hosting Olympic games with estimate of reasonable cost, the actual plan was not based on that concept. Governor Yuriko Koike is in a hurry to review how the plan was made and who is responsible for.

In the original estimate of the cost for Tokyo Olympic was ¥734 billion at the time of invitation in 2013, which included estimated spending of ¥500 billion for new National Stadium. The Organization Committee for Tokyo Olympic has later announced that the cost for building seven new facilities would be ¥764 billion, not including the operational cost for the event. Cost for Olympic has already accumulated over the limit set at the beginning.

The investigation team, joined by economists or consultants, counted total cost with basic question for opaque process of the estimation. It focused on three facilities planned to be newly built, water pool for boat or canoe, stadium for volleyball and swimming pool. They are considered to be replaced with existing facilities in or out of Tokyo. Alternative place for boat and canoe would be in Tome City, Miyagi, two hours away from Tokyo with bullet train.

Having elected with campaign promise for political reform in Tokyo, Koike is willing to review whole plan of hosting Olympic, as well as scandalous move of Tsukiji Fish market. “I would seriously receive the warning of the investigation team, considering running cost after the Olympic. I cannot coerce negative legacy to the people in Tokyo,” said Koike to the reporters.

To change the plan for Olympic, the organization committee needs to submit alternative plan to International Olympic Committee. Organizations of athletes are reluctant for changing the original plan, which may drop an option of building brand-new facility. The Chairman of the organization committee, former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, is negative on reforming agenda of Koike, which would undermine his political status.

It is fair to say that the cost four times greater than original plan is extravagant. Not only building new facilities, Tokyo needs to lay reliable measures for preventing terrorism or public transportation for sending athletes. Based on the data in London Olympic, the cost for security or transportation was estimated as ¥1.6 trillion, far greater than ¥770 billion for building new facilities. The promotion team for Tokyo Olympic was too optimistic to host it.


Proposals Ignored

The first open discussion in the Diet between new leader of Democratic Party, Renho, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resulted in a bitter draw. While Renho tried to undermine the politics under the leadership of Abe by proposing as many policies as possible, Abe simply ignored them. The match was actually something made by unskilled opposite leader and unilateral Premier who refused to learn from different idea.

In the questioning to the Cabinet by party representatives in plenary session of House of Councillors on Wednesday, Renho focused on economic policy of Abe administration. “Abe has not achieved getting rid of deflation and positive circulation of economy. When will the circulation with monetary easing in different dimension, expansion of exports with declined value of Japanese yen and higher wage be achieved?” asked Renho. She required detailed review on Abenomics and application of “investment on human,” which was basic policy of DP.

To the questions and proposals from Renho, Abe answered with plain introduction of his existing policies. “Bank of Japan decided to introduce new policy for reinforcing monetary easing, based on comprehensive review. I understand that it was to achieve 2% target for price stability as early as possible. The government and BoJ are going to achieve powerful growth coordinated with each other,” told Abe. That was not the answer to the question at all.

Renho also criticized welfare policy of Abe administration. “Do not wrap up Japanese people as one hundred millions. There are ones in situations in which they are not able to be viable. Democratic Party goes for a society with diversity,” told Renho, criticizing Abe’s one hundred million mobilizing policy.

Abe replied with his ordinary accusation of former government led by Democratic Party of Japan. He accused previous administration as failed in improving treatment for nursery workers or raising subsidy for families with little children. Renho was disappointed with Abe’s consecutive denouncements as the answers for her twenty-two proposals.

In spite of the provision of Constitution of Japan that determines the Diet as the supreme state power, no lawmakers can stop Abe degrading it. If the leader of the executive branch ignores opinions or proposals from lawmakers, the Diet needs to defend itself with protests. Current situation of the legislative branch is occupied with unconditional admirers for Prime Minister. Ordinary democracy cannot see in the politics in Japan.


Clear Difference on Diplomacy

The first Presidential Debate by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the suburb of New York on Monday was reported in Japan as dominated by Clinton with no decisive hit. While Clinton was well prepared for policy talks, the discussion fell in a negative campaign on personality of each other. On diplomacy toward United States allies including Japan, however, Clinton showed knowledge as an experienced politician.

Japanese media explained the strategy of Trump side as showing preparedness for being President. Criticizing the handling of administration led by Democrats, Trump attacked Clinton over job issues. “Our jobs are fleeing the country. They’re going to Mexico,” stressed trump. Proposing tax cut for companies, Trump resembled him Ronald Reagan to rebuild domestic economy.

However, Clinton eventually overtook Trump in the latter half of the debate. She required Trump actual idea for defeating Islamic State, criticizing lack of viable policy. Mainichi Shimbun reported that the climax came in five minutes at the end, when Trump questioned Clinton’s stamina for dealing with international negotiation or trade deals. The paper quoted Clinton’s words, “as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a cease-fire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina,” as powerful response against Trump.

On the issues related to Japan, there appeared a clear contrast between the two candidates. Clinton accused Trump of his conviction not caring if other nations got nuclear weapons, Japan, South Korea, even Saudi Arabia. “He even said, well, you know, if there were nuclear war in East Asia, that’s fine, have a good time, folks,” said Clinton. Trump could not reply, only reiterating “It’s lies.”

Trump was terribly innocent on the facts. “We defend Japan, we defend Germany, we defend South Korea, we defend Saudi Arabia, we defend countries. They do not pay us. But they should be paying us, because we are providing tremendous service and we’re losing the fortune,” said Trump. Although bilateral treaties between Japan and U.S. demand U.S. Force to pay for all the costs for stationing Japan, Japanese government has been paying for salary of workers in the bases, appliance fees or construction of buildings. The payment for U.S. Force amounts to ¥377 billion in FY2016. Japan also pay for realignment of U.S. Force, moving of Marine to Guam. A story that Japan does not pay U.S. is a lie.

It was comfortable for the Japanese when another candidate reassured that the U.S. had mutual defense treaties with Japan or other allies. Innocent political novice is nothing but a destroyer of bilateral credibility.


Policy Speech Bold Enough

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made policy speeches to both Houses of the Diet on the opening day of extraordinary session on Monday. Having achieved two-third majority for constitutional amendment in the election of House of Councillors in July, Abe stressed necessity of discussion for new constitution. On economy, he promised his efforts to escape from deflation. All the people can hope is a nation suffering from slowdown in international competition, anyway.

It is unusual for the leader of the executive branch to require acceleration of discussion over constitutional amendment. Abe did it. “How does the Constitution have to be? It is not the government, but the people, to decide. To present a draft to the nation is responsibility of lawmakers,” told Abe in his speech, encouraging positive discussion in the Diet.

With two-third majority in each of two Houses, which is a basic condition to take initiative for national referendum for constitutional amendment, Abe hopes to make greater power with some lawmakers in the opposite parties, considering possible backlash from the public in actual process of the amendment. “Let us deepen the discussion in Commissions on the Constitution. Do not fell in brain freeze. Let us bridge to the future with mutual efforts to look for idea,” demanded Abe.

The greatest opposite party, Democratic Party, led by new female President, Renho, is opposing constitutional amendment under the leadership of Abe administration. The party requires Liberal Democratic Party to back of their original draft of new constitution, which is retrospectively conservative with provisions for limiting human rights under governmental power. As long as LDP keeps the draft on the table, discussion over constitution will not make any progress, even how the leading party possesses two-third majority.

On economy, Abe stressed Japan’s responsibility for international growth and stability of market. “Accelerating Abenomics, I will increase the speed for escaping from deflation,” said Abe with determination to mobilize every possible policy. However, Bank of Japan in fact abandoned the inflation target of 2% growth in commodity price. Trans-Pacific Partnership is not accepted both candidates of United States Presidential election. Elements of Abenomics are mostly suffering from negative perspectives.

One thing Abe relies on is diplomacy on Russia. “I will put a period on this extraordinary situation, in which we do not have peace treaty after seventy-one years from the end of war,” said Abe to the lawmakers. However, the fact is that Russia has not shown any sign to make compromise on their territory issue. Self-confidence of Abe looks like baseless.


Stepping Down of Anti-nuclear Governor

Having announced not running for next election in October, Governor of Niigata, Hirohiko Izumida, is stepping down this fall. Izumida has been known as skeptical on nuclear power generation, while a number of reactors are located in Niigata Prefecture. In spite of being supported by Liberal Democratic Party, Izumida is likely to have been receiving pressure to be replaced from the party that promotes resumption of nuclear power plants in Japan.

It was late August when Izumita abruptly announced his stepping down on the homepage of his supporters’ organization. Strange enough, the reason was frustration on the reports of regional newspaper, Niigata Nippo, on his handling of contract for ferry route between Niigata and Fareast Russua. “Despite our consecutive request to correct the articles, the paper has not reported even the facts of our protest. Wrong image of our government to have been lying is established,” told Izumida in his announcement.

Niigata Nippo immediately denied the fact presented by Izumida, asserting that the reports on ferry contract was based on detailed investigation. “Raising our reports as a reason to stepping down is pressure on news organization and nothing but intolerable,” announced the paper. Niigata Nippo realized that the criticism of Izumida was to disseminate bad reputation of the paper.

Izumida explained that he would not run for the gubernatorial race, because ferry scandal deprive an important issue, resumption of a nuclear power plant in Kashiwazaki owned by Tokyo Electric Power Company, of the election campaign. As an anti-nuclear governor, Izumida tried to keep his position opposing resumption of Kashiwazaki Plant in the election campaign.

According to the report of Asahi Shimbun, there seemed to be another story. Having been frustrated with Izumida’s rigorous opposition to nuclear power plant, LDP raised another candidate for the election, in spite of past support for Izumida. Supporters of Izumida in Niigata have been worried about deterioration of relationship with Shinzo Abe administration. Some supporters witnessed that Minister of Finance, Taro Aso, told local political leaders to replace the governor. Izumida had been a trouble making for the administration that was promoting resumption of nuclear reactors.

Losing a candidate for anti-nuclear movement, the opposite powers raised a lawyer as alternative candidate to Izumida. They maintain a standpoint that resumption cannot be discussed without detailed review on the severe accident in First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Ironically, nuclear issue appeared to be the biggest issue for the election as Izumida designed.


In the Pearl of Caribbean

For the first time as Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe made a historical visit to Cuba on Thursday. Long waiting for the end of quarrel between this despotic regime and United States, Japan joined a competition over the market of a country called the Pearl of the Caribbean. In the meeting with Cuban leaders, Abe pledged positive investment for growth of Cuban economy.

In the meeting with President of the Council of the State of Cuba, Raul Castro, Abe announced ¥1.3 billion of donation for introducing medical equipments, expecting positive business advance of Japanese companies to Cuba. Before Prime Minister’s visit, both governments of Japan and Cuba agreed on exemption of ¥120 billion out of whole ¥180 billion Cuban debt to Japan. Japan is considering further investment in the future.

Both leaders reconfirmed to establish joint convention of public and private sectors for discussing conditions of investment to Cuba in Tokyo this November. Abe told Castro that Japan would open an office of Japan International Cooperation Agency in Cuba. “We hope to help progress of Cuban economy and society with efforts of the public and the private. I expect the leadership of President Raul for paving the way to generate environment for investment,” told Abe in the meeting. Raul positively evaluated Japan’s advanced technology and promised his effort.

China has been active in enhancing its influence in Caribbean region. Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Cuba in 2014 and Prime Minister Li Keqiang is going to make a trip to Cuba soon. The untouched market is focused on by Western economies including European nations after U.S. Barack Obama administration reopened diplomatic relations. Japan is in a hurry not to miss the opportunities.

Abe did not forget to ask support Japan’s effort to contain North Korea, which was repeating intimidation of missile launches and nuclear tests. He also explained the situation in East or South China Sea, where China kept on advancing for economic interest or even sovereignty. “It is important for international conflict to settle peacefully,” replied Raul Castro.

To pay fundamental respect to the national father, Abe had a meeting with former President Fidel Castro in Havana before the meeting of his brother, Raul. “In Cuba, tragedy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been told. Our nations agree for establishing non-nuclear world,” said Fidel. Quoting words of Fidel in the visit to Hiroshima in 2003, Abe praised Fidel’s message to the world not to repeat nuclear devastation. This kind of meeting had been impossible during U.S., an indispensable ally of Japan in Abe’s recognition, and Fidel was sharply opposing for decades.


Involved in Blaming Game

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe addressed at annual United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, which persistently accused North Korea of its intimidation with nuclear test and launching ballistic missiles. Trying to fan a sense of threat in developing weapons of mass destruction, Abe labeled North Korea as “manifested itself directly before us as an open threat to peace.” U.N. does not work for him, however, because it heavily relies on consensus of five permanent powers including China.

Abe blamed North Korea of its three missile launches followed by nuclear explosion test earlier this month. “It fired three ballistic missiles simultaneously, each traversing 1,000 kilometers to reach Japan’s exclusive economic zone. It is purely a matter of good fortune that no commercial aircraft of ships suffered any damage during this incident. This year alone, North Korea has launched a total of 21 ballistic missiles. In addition, it claims to have successfully detonated a nuclear warhead in a test on September 9th,” remarked Abe.

Boasting that raison d’être of U.N. was being tested, Abe required the nations to take action against the threat. “We must therefore respond to this in a manner entirely distinct from our responses thus far. We must concentrate our strengths and thwart North Korea’s plans,” said Abe. And he demanded U.N. Security Council to “indicate an unmistakable attitude towards this threat of a new dimension.”

Abe also accused North Korea of its trampling human rights. “The country carrying this out is a country that abducted a large number of Japanese, including a girl aged 13 at the time. We are demanding that North Korea return them immediately, but they have not agreed upon doing that and deprived them of their peaceful lives and not allowing them to return to their homeland even now,” Abe stressed.

Praising President of United States, Barack Obama, of his historical visit to Hiroshima four months ago, Abe hoped total elimination of nuclear weapons. In that context, he blamed the North again. “Despite this, North Korea is now escalating its provocations. This is a challenge posed to the conscience of humankind. Were we to overlook it, how would we justify it to our own consciences?” argued Abe.

Before the address to U.N.G.A., Abe met with Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang. To Abe requiring closer cooperation to deter North Korea, Li plainly said that China would be cooperating with Japan on issues in Northeast Asia. The meeting was held in the U.N. building for a few minutes, with both leaders standing on the floor. Abe just sent his wish to Chinese President Xi Jinping with a hope to his visit to Japan later this year for the trilateral summit meeting including South Korean President, Park Geun-hye.


Embarking on Another Nuclear Fuel Recycle

Cabinet led by Shinzo Abe decided in the meeting by related Ministers on Wednesday to make a plan for the development of new type of fast breeder reactor by the end of this year. That actually meant dismantlement of old type of FBR in Fukui, named Monju, which repeatedly caused operational accidents and had been unworkable. It is assumed that new project is likely to be a joint research with France, which is called ASTRID.

Participants of the meeting included Prime Minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary and other Ministers in charge of economy or science and technology. “We are making fundamental review on Monju, including dismantlement, within this year,” told CCS Yoshihide Suga. To get approval from local Government of Fukui, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Hirokazu Matsuno, had a meeting with Governor Kazumasa Nishikawa in the evening.

Cabinet meeting also decided to promote the project of nuclear fuel recycle and maintain research and development of FBR. The government is going to launch FBR Development Convention, composed by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Atomic Energy Agency and private companies related to the project. Not only ASTRID, the convention will discuss use of experimental rector of JAEA, called Joyo, in Ibaraki.

The government injected ¥1 trillion of money into Monju project, while the reactor halted its operation with consecutive errors. Detailed review is indispensable before launching new project, because nuclear fuel recycle is questioned not only from the perspective of safety, but also from economic efficiency. Processed plutonium used for the recycle is more expensive than uranium used for ordinary nuclear power plant.

Joint R&D with France does not guarantee success. ASTRID is still in a stage of experiment. France experienced the same failure in the project of Super Phoenix, which caused leak of sodium liquid, leading its fate to dismantlement. It is supposed that ASTRID is going to start its operation in 2030s or further later. R&D cost can be accumulated in the process of experiment. Some officers in Japanese government worry about Japan being relied on as a financial sponsor.

The fundamental reason for Japanese government to promote nuclear fuel recycle is to reduce the stock of plutonium as much as 48 metric tons, which were produced from nuclear power plants. Japanese government is responsible for explaining how to deal with that plutonium that can be replaced to six thousands of atomic bombs. Cost for dismantlement of Monju is estimated to be several hundreds of million yen. Dream energy is too expensive to achieve.


Shifting Target in War on Deflation

Bank of Japan decided to shift its target of monetary easing policy from quantity of money in the market to long-term governmental bond rate in the Policy Decision Meeting on Wednesday. Failing to achieve 2% inflation target in two years set in April 2013, BoJ chose alternative way to defeat deflation, which was recognized as the greatest evil in Japanese economy by Shinzo Abe administration. Nobody knows whether new policy of the central bank will work, anyway.

Under the leadership of its governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, BoJ has been delivering various policies, which was called Kuroda Bazookas, to raise commodity price to 2%. Although the bank kept on pouring money into the market, the price did not go up with some elements including negative impact of raising consumption tax rate. From January of this year, the bank introduced negative interest policy, insisting on its monetary easing policy.

While BoJ decided to maintain its interest rate at -0.1% in the Wednesday meeting, negative interest policy had actually been harming Japanese economy. With extremely low interest rate, private banks were suffering from deterioration of their financial balance. Pension system or insurance companies faced difficulty in their management. With low interest of long-term bond, consumers got reluctant to spend money with negative perspectives for their future. Collateral damage seemed bigger than the hope for positive spending.

New target was set to stabilize the rate of 10-year governmental bond at around 0%. The holdings of governmental bond would be increased by about ¥80 trillion a year, while keeping its 2% inflation target. Wall Street Journal criticized its policy change as firing in two directions at once. “Imagine a banana trader who assures growers that he will buy as many or as few bananas as necessary to keep the market price at 50 cents a pound, and simultaneously announces plans to buy 80 tons of banana a year from them. One day, high demand drives the price up to $1 a pound, before the trader hits the 80 ton target. Then what?” described the article.

It is highly unusual for a central bank to set a target on long-term bond rate, because of the difficulty of controlling it. Even though BoJ buys 90% of monthly issued governmental bond, long-term interest rate is affected by economic situation in the future. Kuroda is self-confident that his monetary easing policy could guide long-term bond rate to a low level, and that he can manipulate the market as the bank could do it in short-term rate. Some economists worry that the policy will further be distorting market economy.


Not Leading Refugee Issue

World leaders approved New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants in the summit meeting at United Nations for the first time on Monday. The declaration was designated to save lives, protect rights and share responsibility on the crisis over refugees and migrants, which appeared to be an urgent global issue. While Japan pledged a certain amount of financial support, it is still unclear whether it can take a “leading” role as its national leader boasted.

Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, offered $2.8 billion as three-year support for humanitarian support for refugees or migrants or for countries that accept them. “Japan will continue to play a leading role to bring solutions to the refugee and migrant issues by collaborating closely with the international community,” said Abe in his remarks at the summit with his notion that “the world faces an unprecedented level of refugee and migrant movements, which amounts to serious ongoing humanitarian crises.”

Abe listed Japan’s contribution on refugee crisis. “Japan, as the holder of the G7 Presidency, and as an advocate for human security, has been proactively contributing to improve the refugee crisis. JICA, the implementing agency of Japan’s ODA, has been providing assistance to Syrian refugees and host communities in various countries, such as Turkey and Jordan,” stressed Abe in his remarks. He argued that Japan’s assistance was promoting self-reliance among the refugees, raising an example in Lebanon where Japan provided vocational training to Syrian refugees and Lebanese youth.

However, Japan has traditionally been negative on accepting refugees. There was no promise in Abe’s remarks about how many refugees or migrants Japan would be accepting. In the first half of this year, Japan registered only 4 refugees out of 5,011 applicants. “Accepting refugees is not only way for contribution. Syrian refugees are suffering from economic difficulties and Japan’s continuous support is praised,” said an officer with Ministry for Foreign Affairs to Asahi Shimbun.

Registered Syrian refugees amount to 4.8 millions in all over the world. Most of them are in the countries in Middle East, including Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan. In Europe, Germany accepted 115 thousands, followed by Sweden with 52 thousands or Austria with 14 thousands. With no detailed data on it, though, it can be said that Japan’s contribution is accepting four or less Syrian refugees in the first half of this year.

Civil war in Syria is in a quagmire. Assad administration on Monday unilaterally finished truce and started air raid on Aleppo where anti-governmental power controlled. Although support for Syrian refugees is extremely urgent, contributions are not viable enough to rescue them.


Left Behind in Para-Sports

Rio de Janeiro Paralympics finished its game schedule for twelve days. While Japan team obtained the greatest number of medals in its history, it could get no gold medal for the first time. Athletic skill of Paralympians in the world is abruptly improving, leaving Japanese athletes behind. As the host country of next Paralympic Games in 2020 and the place where first Paralympics was held in 1964, Japan needs to rebuild its strategy.

About 4,300 athletes from 159 counties or regions participated in Rio Paralympics. Russia was excluded with doping scandal. In the closing ceremony on Sunday, Governor of Tokyo received the flag of Paralympics. Athletes cerebrated finish of the event singing and dancing with music performance by handicapped artists or acrobatic teams.

Rio Paralympics showed fast improvement of sports by handicapped athletes. It produced 210 new world records, taking over 200 of London Paralympics four years ago. In men’s 1,500 meters run with optical difficulty, four athletes defeated winning time of the same game in Rio Olympics. In swimming, the time for bronze medal in Athens Paralympics became as obsolete as being the time for finalists in Rio.

Japan team won 10 silver medals and 14 bronze medals in Rio with no gold medal. One of the most hopeful athletes, Atsushi Yamamoto, who had been the world champion in men’s long jump, stayed at silver, 8 centimeters behind the gold. The winner, Markus Rehm from Germany, renewed winning record by 86 centimeters. Having achieved four medals in swimming, Japanese swimmer Kei-ichi Kimura regretted his performance, saying “I wanted a gold rather than four medals.”

The top collector of gold medal was China. It obtained 107, leaving United Kingdom with 64 behind in second position. It is said that the technical improvement in Paralympics began at Beijing in 2008. Since then, China has been reinforcing Paralympic athletes with national support. Chinese government pays for athletic gym, housing or meal for athletes. In Ukraine, which secured the third place in whole number of medals, Paralympians have status of professional athletes supported by the government.

It is a great issue for Japan to raise its Paralympians in next four years. Japanese Para-Sports Association has a goal of seven gold medals by 2020. But, Japanese Paralympians are mainly supported by their families or friends. Sufficient national support has not arrived on them. Success in Tokyo Paralympics will depend on national budget for para-sports.


One Year from Reinterpretation

One year has passed, since new security legislation was established with unilateral discussion in the Diet, mainly initiated by Liberal Democratic Party led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Based on new provisions to enable Japan exercise broader role in the missions overseas, Japanese Ground Self-defense Force started practice for running up to other forces for support. But, it is still questioned whether Constitution of Japan had to be reinterpreted for that kind of military mission.

The Constitution strictly prohibits the Japanese using force in foreign territory. Japanese government had been recognized that JSDF would not be able to use force even for rescuing other forces in the same operation under attack, because it might be categorized as unconstitutional. The governmental officials did not apply self-defense to that kind of case, and turned down the option of broader interpretation of the Constitution with reason of not matching the trend of the world.

JGSDF has been stationing South Sudan for United Nations peace-keeping operation since 2011, when Democratic Party of Japan was leading the government. New security legislation enable Japanese force protects their camp cooperating with other troops, which may expose them to higher threat of enemy. Current expedition force to South Sudan will be replaced by eleventh dispatch in November.

Although new legislation allows those kinds of supportive operations, JGSDF has not actually exercised that ability in the field. While JSDF wanted to start practice of running-up support, Abe administration did not allow it until the end of election of House of Councillors in July, being afraid of backlash from negative opinion against constitutional reinterpretation. Whether JSDF would exercise new operation is restricted by political reasons.

New security legislation also allows JSDF providing United States Force with ammunitions or fuels in “significantly affecting situation,” in which security of Japan is deeply affected. “System was established. It is the time to act,” addressed Abe to highly ranked officers with JSDF last week. North Korea had launched ballistic missiles to Japan’s economic exclusive zone and had fifth nuclear test. Abe seemed to want to make stronger tie with U.S. Force against the threat from Korean Peninsula.

In spite of basic purpose of enhancing deterrence, new security legislation does not work for lowering tension of the region. While North Korea accumulates test of missile or nuclear explosion, China keeps on advancing to South or East China Sea. The promise of detailed explanation about the legislation has not been implemented by Abe administration for a year so far. The purpose of new legislation cannot be enhancing security of Japan or making greater contribution to world peace, but making legacy of breaking political taboo.


Ultra-conservative Involved in Policy Change

Former Governor of Tokyo and ultra-conservative politician, Shintaro Ishihara, is focused on as a key person on secret policy change in building new fish market in Toyosu. Although he had denied relation with the maneuver, Ishihara later admitted that he ordered his staffs to consider alternative plan. As its result, constructor built empty space surrounded by concrete under new Toyosu Fish Market after removing contaminated soil, instead of accumulating fresh soil. Ishihara must have known that the alternative plan was ongoing.

Three days after current Governor, Yuriko Koike, announced that no accumulation of fresh soil was found, Ishihara denied his relation to the plan of constructing empty space under the market, saying “I had not heard of it. I was deceived.” When Tokyo Shimbun revealed two days later that Ishihara referred to the plan of building empty space in his press conference in 2008, he explained that he simply transferred information about the plan to his staff. Then, two more days later, Ishihara admitted the relation to the plan, saying “After hearing from experts, I recommended considering the plan.

Captain of Tokyo Central Wholesale Market, Hideto Hiruma, who was responsible for moving Tsukiji Market to Toyosu, endorsed Ishihara’s explanation, revealing that Ishihara ordered Hiruma to consider the plan in 2008. However, Hiruma told news reporters that he refused the plan of building empty space because of high cost. It contradicted Ishihara’s explanation which assessed the plan to be cheaper than accumulating fresh soil. So, who promoted the plan of building empty space? That is a big question.

Asahi Shimbun reported that former Vice-Governor of Tokyo in between October 2013 and June this year, Nobuhiro Maeda, did not know about the plan of empty space until last year. Maeda did not realize negative element of the plan, because his staffs explained that it was approved by experts who had been discussing the technological method in the moving of market.

Mainichi Shimbun reported that one of the officers of Tokyo Metropolitan Government explained the empty space under Toyosu Fish Market as reserving area for dealing with possible contamination found in underground of the market. If contamination is appeared in the future, Tokyo Government will need to remove the soil. The empty space was recognized as the place for digging out the soil with power shovels. The empty space looks to be designed for that operation.


Ignoring Autonomy

Naha Branch of Fukuoka High Court decided on Friday that it was illegal for Government of Okinnawa not to abide by an order from Government of Japan to correct Okinawa’s dismissal of former approval for landfill in Henoko coastal area constructing new United States military base relocated from Futenma. The request of the complaint, national government, was mostly accepted by the court. It was an unusual decision that ignored autonomy, which is one of the fundamental elements of democracy.

Receiving overwhelming opinion against relocation of Futenma Marine Air Base to Henoko in a gubernatorial election, Governor of Okinawa, Takeshi Onaga, voided approval for landfill construction by previous governor, Hirokazu Nakaima, and rejected orders from national government to promote the relocation project. Government of Japan indicted Onaga as not abiding by legal requirement from national government.

The court found that the approval by Nakaima was legally appropriate. “To remove danger or disturbance of regional development stemming from Futenma Base, there would be no way other than relocating it, for which no place except Henoko can be found,” told the Chief Judge, Toshiro Tamiya, ignoring actual options of moving Futnema Base to existing Kadena or finding other place in Japan than in Okinawa. The court recognized defensive benefit of Okinawa and operational merit of Marine Corps and determined that the necessity of landfill was “extremely high.” It also noticed negative impact on relation between Japan and U.S., if the approval of landfill would have been dismissed, and denied a notion that the relocation plan was against public opinion of Okinawa, because of the size of new base that would be a half of Futenma.

The decision was unexpectedly preferable for the government of Japan. “Our assertion that the decision by Governor was illegal was approved. We will sincerely deal with this issue along with reconciliation between national government and Okinawa,” said Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga.

Okinawa was filled with anger. TV news reported voices of the people in Okinawa that criticized national government as ignoring minor local interests. “I cannot accept a decision that endorsed opinion of national government and trampling sentiment of Okinawa,” told Onaga.

Having promised to abide by any decision of the court, Onaga was willing to employ every measure to disturb the relocation plan. Even if national government restarted construction for landfill in Henoko, Onaga may reject renewal of an approval for destruction of rocks in the sea base. It is possible for him not to accept any change of construction plan submitted by national government. As long as he receives support from the public, Onaga will block any effort for building new base in Henoko.


Leader with Chinese-like Name

Democratic Party elected Renho, a female lawmaker and current Deputy President of the party, for new President on Thursday. Leaving other candidates far behind in the voting, Renho achieved a sweeping victory, making her political basis in the party concrete. It still is a question, however, whether she is viable for the leader of top opposing party, who can be next Prime Minister of Japan.

The result of election was landsliding. Not only occupying 54% of lawmakers’ votes, Renho achieved 72% of popular votes of ordinary party affiliates or supporters in all over the country. Those voters hoped her to represent an image of restart of the party with her fresh image stemming from her relative youngness and sexuality. One of the other candidates, Seiji Maehara, was too experienced to renew the party and the other, Yu-ichiro Tamaki, was relatively a novice.

Renho is supposed to pick Yoshihiko Noda, former Prime Minister of Japan and the leader of a fraction Renho affiliates with, for Secretary General of the party. With stable credibility in the party, which reiterates internal conflicts over fundamental policies or framework of coalition with other parties. She also has moderate relationship with former President, Katsuya Okada, who leads another major fraction in the party.

People are watching how Renho is going to make discussion against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the Diet. “I’m preparing for discussion in the Diet over coming supplemental budget bill, showing alternatives to the spendings of the government with detailed inspection,” told Renho in her press conference after the election. On constitutional amendment, which was one of the main issues for the election, Renho revealed her plan to settle researching committee in the party. It is supposed that she will succeed the framework of coalition with Japan Communist Party made under the leadership of Okada.

One thing that may disqualify her as next Prime Minister would be her nationality. Her name includes an unusual letter for name of the Japanese and can be pronounced Lianfang in Chinese language. While she had been denying it, it was found that she possessed her father’s nationality of Taiwan for a long time. As prohibited having dual nationalities, she had to remove one of those two, which she did not. Although Renho made public apology and promised her effort to get rid of Taiwanese nationality, she will be a soft target of the conservatives in Liberal Democratic Party, anyway.

Another weak point is gaffe. While she sells herself with sharp and clear conversational ability as a former newscaster, Renho often becomes a prey of her own trap of saying too much. Not only calling Okada “boring guy,” she invited disappointment of Japanese scientists with saying “Why does it have to be the number one of the world?” It is up to the public whether her character will be accepted as fresh young leader.


Uncovered Fact in Fish Market

Under the leadership of new female Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, a major secret made by bureaucracy was revealed, causing national sensationalism. Koike announced last Saturday that basement of new Toyosu wholesale market mostly finished had not been covered with soil for blocking possible contamination. Staffs of Tokyo Metropolitan Government concealed the fact that they ignored recommendation from the experts. Moving schedule of current Tsukiji Market to Toyosu will inevitably be delayed.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government decided to move Tsukiji Market, known as the greatest fish market in the world, to a new one in Toyosu in 2001. But, the selected place was formerly used by Tokyo Gas Co., where benzene was detected in its soil or underground water exceeding environmental regulation level. Experts recommended Tokyo government in 2008 to replace the soil for the market with depth of 2 meters and accumulate additional soil on it with height of 2.5 meters.

Koike had unusual press conference on Saturday to report that the replacement of soil under some main buildings already built had not been finished. The basis of the buildings was not contained with soil, but left as empty space with height of 4.5 meters surrounded by concrete. Floor of the space was covered with concrete with only 10 centimeters of thickness.

Buyers or sellers of fish have been believing that the land was covered by fresh soil to block contamination. At the time of starting construction in 2014, however, the market was designed with empty space under those buildings. Introducing the soil is expensive, anyway. Empty space option could reduce the cost for new market. It is possible that safety measures to protect fresh fish were ignored for economic efficiency.

The plan was activated under the leadership of former Governors, including Shintaro Ishihara. There was another plan to use the underground space as car parking to produce income with parking fee, which was not adopted. If Koike had not reveal the fact, the change of plan might not be announced to the public.

Significant enough, the floor of underground space is now covered with water with depth of tens of centimeters. It is not clear so far whether the water caused by raining or leaking of underground water. If it is determined as underground water, it is possible that it contains chemical material. Needless to say, the market deals with fresh raw fish that will be eaten for sushi or sashimi. Current plan needs to be changed not let the consumers afraid of eating poisonous food.


Dismantlement of Monju

The government of Japan is finally concluding that a fast breeder reactor in Fukui, named Monju, owned by Japan Atomic Energy Agency, should be dismantled. Monju has not been working with troubles for a long time in spite of a great amount of governmental money poured into the project. The national project for nuclear fuel recycle must be reviewed with the failure of Monju.

Monju started its operation in 1991 with expectation of producing more fuel than it had consumed using mixed oxide fuels. After having an accident of leaking sodium metal from the reactor in 1995, it was 2010 when it resumed its operation, which would be stopped again with another accident three months later. Nuclear Regulation Authority issued a “red card” to Monju, demanding alternative administrator replacing JAEA.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology presented a plan to make Monju independent from JAEA and establish new organization for it. But, electric power companies or plant makers were reluctant to accept the plan and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry became negative on Monju project with intention of accelerating resumption of ordinary nuclear reactors.

Japanese government has already spent up to ¥1 trillion for Monju. It will need ¥20 billion every year for maintaining that fast breeder reactor, in addition to the cost for reinforcing the facility to pass new safety regulation of NRA. To dismantle Monju, it takes ¥300 billion for thirty years necessary for the process. It will cost more than dismantlement of ordinary nuclear reactor used in power plant.

Although METI has not dismissed possibility of fast breeder reactor project, revised Basic Energy Plan in 2014 does not refer to the project. Nuclear recycle plan is now focused on pluthermal power generation that directly uses MOX fuel made with plutonium and uranium in reactors of nuclear power plant. Monju is as obsolete as being a scientific experiment. METI is afraid of the failure of Monju affecting whole nuclear recycle project.

Monju has been called “reactor of dream,” which produces energy eternally. Scientists explored possibility of energy-rich nation with brand-new technology. However, a nation once suffered from unprecedented nuclear disaster only five years ago could not afford a dream of scientific elites who had nothing to do with the suffering caused by radioactive contamination. “With communication between related ministries and organizations, we are considering it. I hope to conclude it soon,” told Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga. Days of Monju are numbered.


Searching What Can Be Done

The government of Japan continues to assess the impact of consecutive intimidation of North Korea with launching missiles in Japan’s economic exclusive zone and experiment of nuclear explosion demonstrating improvement of technology on mass destructive weapons. Ministry for Foreign Affairs recognizes that those activities of North Korea opened “new phase” of security in Northeast Asia. Shinzo Abe administration is accelerating to take defensive measures against those threats.

Ministry of Defense held a meeting of highly ranked officers on Monday. Prime Minister Abe addressed that it was intolerable for North Korea to have two nuclear tests in only nine months. “They ignore the voices of accusation from international society and repeat launching ballistic missiles. It is unprecedented situation,” told Abe to the officers. In a meeting with the leaders of leading parties, Abe stressed that Japanese government would seek further sanctions in United Nations Security Council and other original ones by Japan.

Diplomatic efforts are accumulated. Bureau Chief of Asia-Pacific in MOFA, Kenji Kanasugi, had a meeting with Special Representative for North Korea Policy in United States Department of State, Sung Kim, on Monday. They reconfirmed to maintain close communication to take maximum measures against North Korea in U.N.S.C. and urge China to implement a resolution for economic sanction passed in March. “U.S. is going to make utmost efforts to protect its allies from threat of North Korea,” told Sung to the reporters.

Uneasiness of Japanese government is getting stronger, anyway. Government of South Korea announced that the North was preparing for another nuclear test. While the experiment this month was operated in a tunnel used for former tests, South Korea found some other new tunnels for nuclear explosion in the site. Raising tension in Korean Peninsula, U.S. Air Force is sending a B-1 strategic bomber to South Korea.

Those measures may be offset by reluctant response of neighbor countries around North Korea represented by China. Asahi Shimbun reported that Chine had known the plan of the North’s nuclear experiment before the explosion was actually practiced. “There was a information from an officer with North Korean government that the North needed to have the test to counter possible surgical measures of U.S. and South Korea,” told a source in Chinese government to Asahi. What China did to North Korea was expressing its opposition. There was no actual effect to say “I don’t like it.”

“We will consult and cooperate with China and Russia that are permanent members of U.N.S.C. and neighbors of North Korea,” told Japan’s chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga. Although it was unusual for him to call China and Russia neighbors of North Korea, it is still unclear what can be done with that consultation or cooperation.