
Russo-Japanese Different Dreams

The governments of Japan and Russia had a Ministers meeting on foreign affairs and defense, or two-plus-two, in Tokyo on Monday. It was the first time for them to meet again, since they established that framework in November 2013. While the Ministers agreed on cooperating in dealing with uncontrollable North Korea, they exchanged different opinion on militarization of Northern Territory of Japan.

Japanese Minister on Foreign Affairs, Fumio Kishida, evaluated the meeting as contributing to confidence-building in the relationship between Japan and Russia as a whole. “Promoting our relationship in every aspect will give a good impact on the negotiation over peace treaty,” stressed Kishida in his press conference. Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, told that they would be able to generate an environment to efficiently solve complicated issue, if further confidence would be made between them.

In the discussion between Foreign Ministers, both governments reconfirmed promotion of dialogue on actual menu or legal requirements for joint economic activities in Northern Territory, based on an official discussion a few days ago. But, Lavrov insisted that the two-plus-to was built not for solving problem on peace treaty, but for efficient coordination on security.

Japanese Minister of Defense, Tomomi Inada, protested Russian Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoygu, that Japan regretted Russia’s military enhancement in Northern Territory, emphasizing the principle that the islands were inherited territory of Japan. Explaining the enhancement as protecting Russia’s own land, Shoygu expressed his concern on missile defense system by Japan, United States and Republic of Korea, which might destroy strategic balance in Asia-Pacific region. Shoygu insisted on their plan of deploying new type of missile in the islands of Kunashiri and Etorofu, and did not make clear of possibility to introduce new division.

Both governments agreed on increasing the volume of travelers to Northern Territory for visiting cemeteries of Japanese ancestors. But, Lavrov demanded waiver of short visa for the travelers between the islands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido. While Russia focuses on further business deals with Japan, Japan is reluctant to expand economic relationship with Russia without any progress in the negotiation over peace treaty.

Japan became the first nation in Group of Seven to resume two-plus-two with Russia after Ukraine Crisis in 2014. Seeking a good deal in Northern Territory issue, Shinzo Abe administration keeps on approaching Russia with ambivalent willingness of economic cooperation. Abe hopes to make legacy in next meeting with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in late April.

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