Receiving a kickoff ball from former DPJ administration, the
Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe marked a pretty good return in diplomacy. By sending
a special envoy to South Korea, Abe got a positive response from next
President, Park Geun-Hye, of her willingness to visit Japan. Making clear
contrast with former DPJ administration, Abe appeals his ability to build
stable relationship with crucially important countries.
The reason why Abe sent the first envoy of his new
administration to South Korea was because he might regard the country as the
closest neighbor. Catching the timing of changing leaders in both countries,
Abe tried to build a new relationship without being affected by mishandlings of
former administrations.
To have sent a skilled politician, Fukushiro Nukaga, a
former Defense Minister, was a successful choice to show LDP’s ability, because
former DPJ administration had little progress by sending envoys to neighbor
countries. He is also planning to send special envoys to China and Russia.
China is a country, with which Japan has a lot of problems to fix. From the
time of businessman in a steel company, which products included steel pipe to
send petroleum, Abe has been interested in improving the relationship with
Russia. He is sending other skilled politicians as special envoys.
Reiterating the importance of Japan-US alliance, PM Abe
chose the United States as the first country to visit after his inauguration.
Reflecting the failure in his first administration on making close relationship
with US President, George. W. Bush, Abe is determined to show credibility to Barack
Obama as an allied leader. If he insists on his longtime standpoint on denying
responsibility of the government of Japan on comfort woman, however, the
relationship with Obama will not be as preferable as what he wants to build.
Basic element that Abe’s diplomacy looks successful is contrast
with the failure of DPJ administration. The reason why former PM, Yukio
Hatoyama, decided to move Futenma Air Base out of Okinawa was based on wrong
assessment about US intention on the issue, which was brought by an unofficial
envoy to US just before DPJ administration started. Former PMs, Naoto Kan and
Yoshihiko Noda, were diplomatic novices. Kan could not face eye-to-eye manner
to Hu Jintao at Yokohama on October, 2010, just after the accident of collision
of ships from both countries around Senkaku Islands. Noda misunderstood Hu’s
seriousness about China’s domestic situation over the Senkaku issue and
escalated the tension between Japan and China by buying Senkaku Islands.
Compared to those rough handlings of diplomacy by DPJ
administration, Abe looks like experienced leader of Japan. But his viewpoint
on history of wartime Japan and conservative policies are not popular in Asian
countries. He will suffer from a dilemma of worsening foreign relationships,
when he tries to take strong and hawkish position in domestic politics.
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