
Negative in Details, Optimistic in General

Frustrated with each issue, supporters for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are increasing. Recent polls showed certain growth of supporting rate of Abe Cabinet, exceeding over fifty percent. Money scandal of a Minister added negative image of on the Cabinet. Not so many people wanted constitutional amendment this summer. But, more people thought that Abe has been making good jobs than in the last poll.

In the poll operated by Kyodo News Agency last weekend, supporting rate of Abe Cabinet marked 53.7%, increasing by 4.3 points from the poll last month. In the poll of Mainichi Shimbun, the rate was 51%, jumping up by 8 points from the last poll. Support for leading Liberal Democratic Party also showed apparent growth. It was 34% with rise of 5 points in Mainichi poll.

Many must have expected that supporting rate for Abe would decline with money scandal of former Minister in Charge of Economic Revitalization, Akira Amari, who was one of the closest aids of Abe. But, both polls showed that people did not connect the scandal to responsibility of Abe who named Amari, while they were overwhelmingly thought that Amari should have stepped down. In Mainichi poll, 67% of the recipients realized that Amari had not explained well about his scandal, and one half of them thought Abe’s choice of the successor, Nobuteru Ishihara, was not supportable.

Meanwhile, the polls showed that people were not enthusiastic on amending the Constitution of Japan, which Abe raised as a major issue in the election of House of Councillors this summer. 46% of the recipients in Mainichi poll did not expect that the amendment power would occupy two-third majority, which would be needed to take initiative. Kyodo poll showed that six out of ten in independent voters opposed constitutional amendment, as 32% of LDP supporters were also negative on it. Supports were outstanding in young agers, while more than a half of women opposed it.

On an unpopular trade issue, Trans-Pacific Partnership, even the supporters of leading parties sent negative message. 75% of Komeito supporters and 65% of LDP supporters thought that the bills for approval of TPP should not be passed in current session of the Diet. 64% of the supporters of Abe Cabinet did not insist on the passage in this session.

One positive element for Abe administration was diplomacy. Abe was successful in making basic agreement to settle comfort woman issue with Republic of Korea. While most people did not expect it to lead to final solution, 65% approved the effort of Abe administration. It was also apparent that most people did not respond negatively to volatile economy, being seen from the beginning of this year. The Japanese look generally optimistic to their future.

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