According to a report of the Diet
Investigation Committee in 2012, Fukushima Plant emitted 500 petabecquerel of
radioactive iodine and 10 petabecquerel of cesium 137. Ministry of Environment
and related local governments kept on scrape contaminated land in Fukushima
Prefecture. Their effort produced 900 million cubic meters of radioactive soil,
accumulated on 115 thousands of ground places.
Selecting place for the intermediate
storage facility was highly controversial. People in Fukushima were negative in
accepting the radioactive soil, because their homeland was already devastated
too much. Then Minister of Environment, Nobuteru Ishihara, who currently
replaced a scandalous Minister in Charge of Economic Revitalization, Akira Amari,
resigned with his gaffe to settle the problem depending on power of money. Based
on a condition that all the soil would be relocated out of Fukushima thirty
years later, national government managed to persuade Fukushima to construct the
facility there. The government assumed 16 square kilometers of the land around
1F Plant for storing the contaminated soil.
But, the land was owned by 2,365 people. MoE
has achieved contracts for transfer of land ownership with only 44 owners,
which would worth 0.15 square kilometers. It obviously is less than 1% of all
16 square kilometers. The Ministry has not determined where 990 owners are now.
Missing owners possess one tenth of whole land for the facility.
Scattering plastic bags filled with
contaminated soil disturb reconstruction. Even how escaping residents wants to
get back home, they have to reconsider it in an environment of their houses
surrounded by radioactive soils. If they tries to sell their houses, no price will
be determined. Governmental authority is incompetent to remove those obstacles against
reconstruction. Government officials are still worrying about reaching Tokyo
Olympic in 2020 with scattered plastic bags here and there, rather than the
future of the people evacuated from Fukushima.
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