
Designated Secrets Disappear

Board of Oversight and Review of Specially Designated Secrets of each House of the Diet made the report on the national secrets, which had been registered in 2014, and submitted to each Speaker on Wednesday. Both boards did not judge whether the government was right or wrong in registering them. Designated Secrecy Act in 2013 proved to be allowing the executive branch exercising unlimited power on controlling information, which must primarily be belonging to the people.

Each board made research on 382 specially designated national secrets, which were registered by ten executive organizations, including Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Defense, between December 10th and 31st in 2014. The board in House of Representative made 150 pages of report, while that in House of Councillors spent 60 pages.

In the interview of board members to the Ministries, bureaucrats mostly refused to reveal the details of specially designated secrets. On personal information about Mr. X, who was the North Korean liaison of secret negotiation over summit meeting between Prime Minister Jun-ichiro Koizumi and Kim Jong-il in 2002, bureaucrats did not reply to the question whether it would be a specially designated secret or not. They refused to answer about existence of secret document on the kidnapping of Japanese journalist by Islamic State in 2015 with reason of confidentiality of international relationship.

The board in House of Representatives requested improvement of disclosure, including detailed explanation about the list of specially designated secrets or disclosure of transcript of discussion in National Security Council. However, recommendation of the board does not have coercive power for disclosure. The board would be an organization for endorsing every secret the government holds.

There is another organization that oversees the registration of specially designated secrets. That is called Independent Archives Administrator in Cabinet Office. While the administrator has a power to request improvement in registration, Ministries can also refuse it. Although the administrator submitted ten-page report, it only reviewed 165 documents out of all 200 thousands.

In spite of inability to access national secrets, lawmakers in charge of oversight can be punished, if he or she leaked specially designated secret. Because leading party occupies majority of each board, the check cannot be completed against current administration. Against provision of Constitution of Japan that put the Diet on the top of triangle of the government, the executive branch gained exclusive power to control national information.


Politics Over Simultaneous Election

Three days before entering new fiscal year, the Diet passed a bill of national budget for FY2016, which amount marked new record of ¥96.7 trillion. Politics around Shinzo Abe administration got into new phase. The biggest issue is whether Abe decide to have simultaneous elections of both Houses.

Abe seemed to be wanting to say “It’s economy, stupid.” In his press conference right after the passage of the bill, Abe insisted on his determination to improve the situation of Japanese economy. “I have been saying that early passage of budget bill must be the greatest incentive for economy. Quick execution is needed. I would like to order Minister of Finance to start the projects earlier than planned,” told Abe. Abe administration is considering additional spending for stimulating economy.

Why is he in a hurry so much? That is election. All he wants to do must be amending the Constitution of Japan. Two-third majority in both Houses is necessary for take initiative for national referendum. If there is a good chance to make it, Abe will exercise the power of dissolving the House of Representatives and have two elections of both Houses on a day. The most likely date should be July 10th.

It is fair to say that the lifeline of Abe administration is economy, anyway. Although he has been maintaining stable economy mainly in exporting manufactures, most consumers are still not realizing improvement of their life. Abe is considering a populist policy of suspending the plan of raising consumption tax rate in next April to attract the consumers and keep popularity for the election.

The opposite parties are growingly blaming Abe’s handling of economy. “There already appeared a discussion for supplementary budget. They must be admitting the mistake of new year budget bill. It is obvious that Abenomics has bankrupted,” told Secretary General of Democratic Party, Yukio Edano. They are going to emphasize their social security policy for elder people or working mothers for the election.

However, it is still unclear whether the opposite parties will be successful in building cooperative framework. Noticing the possibility of simultaneous election, Japan Communist Party considers raising common candidates in some districts of House of Representatives. But, some lawmakers in DP are reluctant to cooperate with JCP, because of the difference in some policies including security.

Abe is going to conclude about simultaneous election as soon as late May, when Group 7 summit will be held in Japan. Popularity based on economic situation will determine the fate.


Unconstitutional Laws Activated

Shinzo Abe administration activated one new law called International Peace Supporting Act and ten revised laws collectively named as Peace and Security Maintenance Legislature on 0:00 a.m. of Tuesday. Those laws, generally called new security laws, enables Japan Self-defense Force exercising collective self-defense right, which Japanese government has long been recognizing as unconstitutional in light of Article 9 of Constitution of Japan. Abe administration ignored that interpretation.

Traditional interpretation of the Constitution had been that JSDF could not use force as long as Japan was not directly attacked, because it would be beyond the line of minimum and necessary exercise of self-defense right. New security laws allow it, if Japanese government realized “existence crisis situation,” in which existence of Japan was in jeopardy. It is not law, but Japanese government, that determines whether Japan is in existence crisis situation. This kind of legal application deviates from rule of law.

The administration created another situation called “importantly affecting situation,” which meant a serious situation for Japan to be attacked, if it would make no action. In this situation, JSDF can make logistic support for United States Force or other allied force. Importantly Affecting Situation Law was a revised version of Peripheral Situation Law, which assumed contingency in Korean Peninsula. New legislation expanded the area for logistic support to all over the world, including volatile Middle East.

So, why this legislation is needed now? “Threats easily come beyond the border. We have a responsibility to protect our people,” reiterated Abe in the Diet discussions. Here are two more questions: Who will attack Japan with what kind of purpose and is the legislation enough? There is a sense of skepticism on the intention of U.S. to wage war with China for Japanese people. In that situation, Japan cannot defend by itself. New laws will not be enough for deterring Chinese advance.

A significant problem of new security legislation is damaging internal legal system, which has deeply been rooted on Article 9. There are a number of local laws or resolutions, which declare renouncing war, maintenance of peace or abolishment of nuclear weapon. New security legislation may make those peaceful determinations discouraged.

New security legislature is just like muscle enhancing drug for athlete, which harms internal organ of human body. Its necessity has to be discussed more sincerely and deliberately.


Democratic Party Embarks On

Democratic Party of Japan and Innovation Party established new party called Minshinto on Sunday, which English name was decided to be Democratic Party. They elected former President of DPJ, Katsuya Okada, for the president of new party. The integration was achieved with firm determination to counter unilateral power of Liberal Democratic Party led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. However, it is still unclear what kind of policy the new party will promote.

New party holds 96 lawmakers in House of Representatives and 60 in House of Councillors. In House of Representatives, some lawmakers with small fraction also joined as one group. 5 lawmakers with Innovation Party in House of Councillors were left independent, due to the restrictive rule of moving between parties. However, the leading coalition of LDP and Komeito still possesses 326 out of total 475 in House of Representatives and 135 out of total 242 in House of Councillors.

Receiving insistence of Innovation Party to have equal merger, DPJ side took care of treatment for lawmakers from the other side. But, major posts of new party were occupied by former DPJ lawmakers, except Deputy President, Kenji Eda. Former DPJ Secretary General, Yukio Edano, sat on new Secretary General of DP. Chairpersons of Policy Council, Election Committee and Diet Affairs Committee were chosen from DPJ. Although Democratic Innovation Party was once an option of new party name, it was dropped with the reason that its abbreviation DIP could mean jerk in broken English.

So, is the integration enough for countering big leading coalition? The answer is no. To enlarge its power, DP needs to make a greater framework of political cooperation with other parties, namely Japan Communist Party or Social Democratic Party. Among 32 electoral districts for one seat each in House of Councillors, those opposite parties agreed on raising united candidate in 8 districts. They keep on discussing further cooperation in other districts.

Policy integration is, however, the biggest problem for DP. While there are differences in some policies of the opposite parties, integrated candidate will face criticism against populism without political consensus. There remains inside DP a policy rift between former DPJ and Innovation Party, on consumption tax hike, for example. Although they agreed on abolishing new security legislation, being passed in the Diet with unilateral support of the leading parties, they still need to accumulate common policies in economy, social security or reform of the executive branch of Japanese government. In a poll by Kyodo News Agency, 67% responders answered that DP would not be hopeful.


Handing Memory Over

Mayor of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi, Hiroshi Kameyama, on Saturday announced that the city would preserve the former building of Okawa Elementary School, which was devastated by great tsunami five years ago. In East Japan Great Earthquake, 74 students and 10 teachers was killed by huge stream of seawater. There has been an argument against the preservation among the families, because they would not like to have depressive sentiment when they see the building. However, the mayor realized his responsibility for the future generation to hand the tragic memory over.

In the afternoon of March 11th, 2011, Okawa Elementary School was violently shaken by a hard quake. Predicting great tsunami coming, the teachers led their students to evacuate, heading to a hill in the neighborhood. But, they spent certain time to begin the evacuation, calculating the size of coming tsunami and hesitating whether they should stay or go. While they were walking on the road around the school, a great tsunami washed them away. The school was fully soaked.

The parents were deeply disappointed to commanding of the teachers. Although the city government made efforts to verify what was going on, the parents were not satisfied with the result, which did not recognize full responsibility of the teachers. Nineteen parents indicted local and national government with a suspicion that the teachers could take other safer measures for evacuation.

Not only for the parents, but for the people in the city, rusted building of Okawa Elementary cannot be seen without sad and regretful feeling. In the midst of argument between one that would require dismantlement of the building to avoid further cruelty of remembering missing children and another that the event was too tragic to forget, the building remained on the devastated land.

Mayor Kameyama took the choice of memorizing the tragedy. “The mission of Ishinomaki City is to succeed reflections and lessons of the great disaster. To minimize the impact of great disaster, we will take responsibility of succeeding to next generation,” told Kameyama in his press conference on Saturday. While it will take ¥670 million for basic construction and ¥23 million for annual maintenance, Kameyama is requesting subsidy from national government for preservation of disaster monument.

While parents have been reluctant to see the building, the graduate of Okawa Elementary hoped the building to remain. “I hope our school to be preserved for memorizing that there were lives to be rescued,” told one student in sixth grade at the time of the disaster. They might have realized that the disaster has already been forgotten by the people in Japan in these five years.


Bullet Train Connects

With long-time ambition and tragic memory in the straits, people in Hokkaido welcomed the first bullet train from Honshu main island through a long underwater tunnel on Saturday. The train connected two islands, diminishing psychological distance between the old and new Japan. However, it is still unclear whether the high-speed railroad will be affordable for financially ailing railway company.

Under the Meiji regime in 19th century, undeveloped Hokkaido Island, located in the northernmost of Japan, was recognized as a territory of Japan with rich resource of fishery or agriculture. Preparing against southward advance of Imperial Russia, Japanese government deployed farming troops in Hokkaido to cultivate frozen soil with sacrifice of indigenous people called Ainu. Hokkaido anyway became new frontier for enlightened islanders in the Far East.

Even with government-led development, Hokkaido was still left behind of civilized society of Japan. After World War II, Japanese government poured money into Hokkaido with a hope of reconstruction. In the fall of 1954, when transportation between Honshu and Hokkaido was limited to shuttle boat between Aomori and Hakodate, a huge hurricane sank five boats in the strait, taking 1430 lives. With determination not to repeat that tragedy, the government decided to dig a tunnel under the strait. That was the beginning of bullet train plan to Hokkaido.

It took 43 years to complete the plan. The tunnel had been used for local trains before the bullet train was ready to go to Hokkaido. Not to affect freight trains going through, the bullet train has to slowdown in the tunnel. That is why it takes over four hours for the bullet train to get Tokyo from Hakodate. While Tokaido Bullet Train connects Tokyo with Osaka in two and a half hours, enabling one-day round business trip, Hokkaido Bullet Train must be more suitable for vacation than for business use.

It is estimated that Hokkaido Bullet Train will produce annual ¥5 billion of deficit for the first three years. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism decided to lend infrastructure for the train to JR Hokkaido with as low fee as annual ¥110 million. It is ridiculously cheap compared to the price for Hokuriku Bullet Train, annual ¥24.5 billion, or Hachinohe-Aomori section of Tohoku Bullet Train, annual ¥7 billion. It is inevitable for Hokkaido to receive skepticism on its business.

To lessen its financial burden, JR Hokkaido reduces its local train in Hokkaido. While people in Hakodate will enjoy the benefit of bullet train, rest of the island will suffer from inconvenience of public transportation. Uneven distribution of wealth may devaluate that young island.


Religious Background of Abe

Asahi Shimbun ran a series of stories that reported political background of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. According to the article, Abe is firmly supported by a conservative organization called Nihon Kaigi, or Japan Conference, which members includes lawmakers, scholars or journalists. Furthermore, a cult group called Seicho-No-Ie has been affecting policies of Abe administration. The insistence of Abe on constitutional amendment can be deeply affected by them.

Nihon Kaigi was established in 1997 through integration of National Conference for Protecting Japan and Association for Protecting Japan. It was the time when description of the facts about comfort woman appeared on every history textbook for mid-school students. Secretary General of the organization is Yuzo Kabashima, who led a right-wing movement of Nagasaki University in 1960s. The president of Nihon Kaigi includes former Premier Taro Aso or other ranked lawmakers in Liberal Democratic Party.

As Special Adviser, Abe attended a party of Nihon Kaigi for the first time in his term earlier this month. Although Abe has been distant from being unequivocal on constitutional amendment, his close relationship with Nihon Kaigi indicated the firmness of his conviction. Nihon Kaigi hopes to lead Japanese Prime Minister to their goal of restoring conservative regime.

Kabashima and other principal members have close relationship with Seicho-No-Ie, which upholds a concept that all religions, including Christian, Islam, Buddhism, or Japanese Shinto, are integrated by God. “Seicho-No-Ie is another name of Great Universe and it is deemed to be the responding manifestation or personification of the noumenon of the Great Universe or the one absolute God,” says the homepage of Seicho-No-Ie International.

One of the Advisers for Prime Minister and a lawmaker in House of Councillors, Seiichi Eto, is the bridge between Abe and Seicho-No-Ie. As a long-time friend in political activity, Eto has been making every effort to raise Abe for Prime Minister. And Eto was deeply affected by his colleague in Seicho-No-Ie, Tetsuo Ito, in terms of policy making. Ito is now a member of policy committee of Nihon Kaigi.

As shown in the history of Asahi above, Abe has close relationship with a religious organization. Nihon Kaigi demands new constitution that reflects precious value of family. The draft of New Constitution by LDP included a provision: “Families have to help each other.” They hate individualism as a poison against Japanese tradition.


Sober on Trump Administration

While they were highly skeptical on American choice of the extremism in Presidential campaign, the Japanese are getting realistic about the possibility of President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. In the meeting with Editorial Board of Washington Post, Trump articulated his frustration with spending of U.S. for Japanese security. The Japanese are starting imagining the day Japan will be left behind.

It has been commonly noticed in Japan that Trump had a little knowledge about Japan, or policies to Asia. Most Japanese realized that he could not distinguish Japan from China or South Korea. Actually, Trump has not been involved in foreign policy, or Asian policy so much. But, the fact is, unfortunate for foreign countries, that the candidate has accumulated victories in the state by state.

Trump’s meeting with Washington Post can be the opportunity for him to comprehensively address his notion on international relations. The baseline was that U.S. could no longer be the super power. “I think we were a very powerful, very wealthy country. And we’re poor country now. We’re a debtor nation. How you going to get rid – let me ask you – how are you going to get rid of $21 trillion in debt?” told Trump.

Trump refused to see a benefit of having military bases in South Korea and Japan, saying “I personally don’t think so.” “I have great relationships with South Korea. I have buildings in South Korea. But that’s a wealthy country. They make the ships, the make the televisions, they make the air conditioning. They make tremendous amounts of products. It’s a huge, it’s a massive Industrial complex country,” told Trump. It is not hard to imagine that he had the same idea on Japan, too.

So, Trump questioned why the host nation support for U.S. troops stationed in Japan and South Korea did not cover 100% of all their cost. On Senkaku Islands, his comment could not make much sense. “Okay, if I say ‘Well, we should go in and do this or do that,’ I don’t want to, I don’t want to sort of… red flag all over it. I do think this: It’s an unbelievable thing that they’ve done, it’s unbelievable aggression, it’s unbelievable lack of respect for this country,” said Trump. The Japanese must be careful about what kind of message Trump has sent to China.

Having said that, no Japanese has vote for U.S. election. The officials in Japanese government begin to realize that no one can stop Trump in the primaries. Japanese diplomats expect some adjustments by policy staffs who reach Trump with hope of the post of Trump administration. But, it will not be as reliable as any previous post-war U.S. administration anyway.


Security Laws Partly Left Behind

The Cabinet led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe decided on Tuesday that it would activate new security legislation on 29th of this month. Although the Ministries have been reviewing the details of legal system related to the legislation, some parts will not be activated due to the delay of making actual rules. Fundamental reason seems to be a political strategy for not stimulating public sentiment against highly controversial legislation before the election this summer.

The Security-related Laws consist of eleven new or revised laws, including International Peace Supporting Law or revisions of Important Influential Situation Safety Securing Law or Armed Attack Situation Management Law. The Cabinet also decided twenty-six governmental ordinances, one of which enabled Japanese Self-defense Force sending commander to United Nations Peace-keeping Operations.

Starting 0:00 a.m. of 29th, Japan can exercise military gpower for other country, which are under military attacks, without any direct attack on Japan, if Japanese government realizes that the situation affects existence of the nation. But, a possible operation under new legislation so far is the peace-keeping operation in South Sudan. Abe administration is not going to have an operation of approaching-guard for troops of other countries. Although new security legislation enabled JSDF taking such operation, the government refrains from doing that. It is recognized as based on political considerations.

JSDF will also not activate expanded use of weapons in peacetime, which includes armed protection of American vessels before actual military conflict begins. While JSDF had not been allowed protecting American Force in an operation of guarding Japan, new legislation unleashed such an activity. But, a condition of activation that was to make operational guideline was not fulfilled. It can also be a temporary measure not to stimulate the public before the election.

Environment around security legislation in Japan is growingly negative for the government. It was reported that the graduates of National Defense Academy are getting reluctant to take the oath to be JSDF officers. The number of graduates this year who refused to be the officer doubled the number last year. There are still arguments that new security legislation was really necessary for protecting Japan or maintaining alliance with United States. That is why growing opinion against exercising collective self-defense right or demonstration demanding abolishment of the legislation is getting power.


Doubt on Emergency Clause

It is commonly noticed that constitutional amendment is the greatest political agenda for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. So, what kind of change he demands? He explains that Constitution of Japan needs to have a clause for situation of emergency, in which the government can suspend human rights. But, that kind of clause has a history of wrongly applied in the pre-war regime in Japan or Nazis. The insistence on emergency clause is doubted as an attempt of reestablishing a despotic regime.

Abe has been emphasizing the importance of having an emergency clause in the Constitution in discussions of the Diet. “To protect the people in emergency, it is extremely significant and important for the Constitution to determine what kind of role the state or the people will play,” reiterated Abe.

In 2014, Commission on the Constitution in House of Representatives reached a conclusion with consent of seven parties, except Communist Party, on the necessity of emergency clause in the Constitution. They wanted it for such emergency situation as natural disaster or terrorist attack.

But, Abe administration seems to be taking advantage of the discussion for expanding governmental power over the people. “In the case of external armed attack, social disorder by internal insurrection, major natural disaster such as earthquake, or other legislated situations of emergency, Prime Minister, with necessity and through Cabinet decision abiding by legislation, may issue a declaration of situation of emergency,” determines Article 98 of the draft of the Constitution made by LDP. With expression of “other legislated situation of emergency, the draft guarantees broad power of government over the people.

Asahi Shimbun reported possible problems over emergency clause on Tuesday. The story reminded of excessive abuse by Nazis of Article 48 of Weimar Constitution, which allowed the president to take emergency measures without prior consent of congress. Meiji Constitution of Japan had clauses of emergency power, curfew or urgent imperial order. Those special powers were abolished in post-war constitution for protecting human rights.

In terms of natural disaster, Basic Act on Disaster Control Measures determines the power of Prime Minister that allows issuing governmental order to control supply of goods or suspending financial debt. Abe administration has already determined how to deal with emergency measures in armed attack in new security legislation. It is broadly recognized that emergency clause is an entrance of fundamental amendment including Article 9.


Tax Policy in Revision

In the midst of skepticisms over volatile international economy, there came up an argument of postponing introduction of new consumption tax rate planned in April 2017. Worrying about negative impact on the election of House of Councillors this summer, the lawmakers with Liberal Democratic Party hope Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to announce his intention to review the timing of next tax hike. It is said that the decision over consumption tax may affect Abe’s political strategy whether the election should simultaneously be done with House of Representatives.

Majority leader of House of Councillors, Kensei Mizote, unequivocally said in a TV discussion on Sunday that he would approve simultaneous election this summer with announcement of postponing consumption tax hike in advance. As the leader of the Councillors with Liberal Democratic Party, Mizote demanded Abe a preferable environment for LDP candidates, leaving behind the discussion over fiscal consolidation.

Chairwoman of LDP Policy Research Council, Tomomi Inada, followed Mizote. Quoting the fact that individual consumption had significantly dropped after introduction of 8% consumption tax rate in 2014, Inada emphasized the necessity to watch that impact or moves of international economy in determining further consumption tax hike.

Abe looks to be carefully watching the situation. “Without economic growth, there will be no fiscal consolidation. It is my basic recognition. We will lose everything, if economy slows down,” said Abe in the discussion in a committee of House of Councillors on Friday. His opinion was complete opposition to economic slogan of Jun-ichiro Koizumi administration, in which Abe was in the post of Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, that had been “no reform, no growth.”

A few days before, Joseph Stiglitz, Laureate of Nobel Economy Prize and Professor of Columbia University, recommended not to raise consumption tax rate in a situation that Chinese economy is slowing down in a meeting hosted by Japanese government. It became a following wind for the administration that a world prominent economist showed negative attitude against consumption tax hike.

Coalition partner, Komeito, is reluctant to have simultaneous election. “We do not realize that environment for raising consumption tax rate has changed,” said Yoshihisa Inoue, Secretary General of Komeito. The opposite parties are careful on political maneuver of Abe administration. “If they postpone it with reason of economic situation, it will mean that they recognize their mistake in economy policy,” said Policy Research Council of Democratic Party of Japan, Goshi Hosono. Abenomics will be the target of the opposites.


Three Years of Kuroda Bazooka

It is just three years on Sunday, since Governor of Bank of Japan, Haruhiko Kuroda, took the seat. As nominated deflation fighter, Kuroda has been delivering consecutive bold monetary policies, mainly for surprising international market. The fundamental target of 2% inflation within 2 years is still far from achievement. One obvious result of these three years is that Japanese economy is deeply addicted to Kuroda Bazookas.

Only two weeks after the assumption, Kuroda ignited first bazooka of quantitative-qualitative monetary easing, which poured ¥70 trillions of Japanese yen into the market. That unusual and different-dimensioned easing actually surprised international market. Consumers’ Commodity Price Index in April 2014 showed 1.5% growth in a year, which was recognized a positive sign for achieving the inflation target.

Miscalculation for BoJ was introduction of new consumption tax rate, rising from 5% to 8%, applied in the same month. Purchasing mind of consumers was frozen and economy was decelerated. After the trend of inflation refused to show preferable growth, commodity price turned out to be declining, affected by drastic down of oil price. Although Kuroda launched the second bazooka in October 2014, consecutive monetary easing of increasing monetary base by ¥80 trillion, its impact on the market was limited.

From the beginning of this year, BoJ monetary policy suffered from gradual slowdown of Chinese economy and long-time cheap oil. Kuroda decided to introduce negative rate policy as the third surprise to the market. That measure was accepted as a strong medicine by the public. While it reached a target of lowering housing loan rate, mind of consumers got negative with suspicion to the future of monetary policy.

The biggest question to Kuroda is how to get rid of this addiction to this extreme monetary easing. BoJ is increasing possession of national bonds by ¥80 trillion every year. When the bank achieves 2% inflation target, it will reduce the purchase of national bonds. What is going to happen then? It is possible that bond market will show tragic stipulation of the price of national bonds, making a vicious circle of high interest of national bonds, swollen payment of national budget for the interest, skepticisms on credibility of national budget and causing further buying out of national bonds.

A professor of economics, Kazuhito Ikeo, assessed Kuroda’s negative rate policy as a demonstration of remaining resource of BoJ. But, its negative impact is seen in commercial banks. Seeking stable profit and not taking unnecessary risk, commercial banks will rend money only to the corporations with high credibility. Ikeo is skeptical in using monetary policy for economic growth, because the people will not be willing to spend their money as long as they embrace fundamental uneasiness on the future of Japanese economy as a whole, including social security policy.


Rewriting History Textbook

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology released the result of examination on history textbook for high school students for 2017 on Friday. Receiving request from Shinzo Abe administration, description on territory issues has swollen by 1.6 times compared to the previous year. Some events in modern history, including Nanjing Massacre or comfort women, will be taught as preferable for a revisionist prime minister.

2017 will be the first year, in which new regulation for history textbook will be applied. New regulation required every textbook to follow official interpretation of the government, not to emphasize specific element too much and to quote all opinions about numbers in an event with no settled interpretation. Receiving governmental recommendation, one textbook changed its description about number of death of Japanese-Koreans from “thousands” to “hundreds to thousands. Another textbook added an expression of “was settled through treaties with other nations” in post-war compensation over forced labor on the Chinese.

The administration did not hesitate in posing its opinion on some controversial issues. On Nanjing Massacre, a column article in the history textbook of Jikkyo Press was entirely rewritten after receiving opinions from the government. Firstly, the column referred to various interpretations about the event, included recognition of Ministry of Foreign Affairs that there had been several opinions about the number of victims, and quoted the number of 200,000 from the sentence of Tokyo War Tribunal. After five sessions with the officials, Jikkyo Press added an opinion that calculated the victims as 70,000 and deleted the description about Tokyo War Tribunal.

In the draft of a textbook of Shimizu Shoin Press, reinterpretation of Constitution of Japan, which paved the way to exercise collective self-defense right, was interpreted as “actual change of Article 9.” The government seemed to be frustrated with it. The officials demanded Shimizu changing the description. It was rewritten as “legislation of contingency law and reinterpretation of Article 9.”

Publishers have to pay for reediting the textbooks which are requested to change their contents. Avoiding additional cost, the publishers will be likely to obey possible opinions from the administration. As its result, history textbook will be closer to public advertisement of the government. It is doubtful whether such textbooks will raise young students with wide and open mind to the world.


Missing Journalist Appears

A missing Japanese journalist suddenly appeared on website on Thursday. Freelance Junpei Yasuda, who were missed since last June, revealed in a video footage that he had been detained by Nusra Front, an Islamic extremist group loyal to Al Qaeda, sent best wishes to his family and criticized Japanese government. While the possibility of the kidnapping has been indicated on the web pages, Japanese media did not report much about Yasuda. Japanese government looks reluctant to take care of him.

Yasuda is one of the common freelances who have been involved in reports from the area of conflict in Middle East. After slaughter of Kenji Goto, captured by Islamic State, Yasuda had actively been making comment on the situation of Syria or its neighbors. In June 23rd last year, he was missed after entering western Syria from Turkey, leaving his friend a message about his location. It is supposed that he was kidnapped by militia of Nusra Front that controlled the region.

According to the report of Asahi Shimbun, the person who uploaded the video was a Syrian journalist in Turkey and explained that Yasuda was alive in Idlib, located in northwestern Syria. The man received the video from a liaison between Nusra Front and the governments. Nusra Front demanded Japanese government a certain amount of ransom. Although a lot of people offered to be an agency of Japanese government for negotiation, Nusra Front rejected them as long as they were not official representatives of Japanese government.

What Japanese government did was analyzing the video. “Now, we are analyzing the contents of the footage. We are making efforts to collect information cooperating with Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” told Commissioner General of National Police Agency, Masahiko Kanetaka, in his press conference on Thursday. Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga, revealed that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been conducting the issue consulting with his staffs.

In the case of murder of Goto, Abe was criticized on his handlings of the issue. Abe can be more serious in avoiding criticisms of the public over inability of controlling the situation than securing a life of Japanese citizen who willingly entered in conflicting area. Japanese government firmly maintains its attitude not giving in the demand of money from the kidnappers.

Yasuda’s families are worried about him. “Although I was not easy since he was missed, it will be harder than ever,” told Yasuda’s wife, Sachiko. It is important whether Japanese government has real and affective ability for making diplomatic maneuver.


Deceleration of Government-made Spring Round

Watching shadow of Japanese economy, the groundhog seems to have retreated to its burrow. On the day of show down in 2016 spring round of labor offensive, wages of workers proved to be as less resilient from deflation as it had been last year. To the message of Shinzo Abe administration for creating positive cycle of economic growth through higher wages, corporations replied with negative attitude in distributing their profit to employees. Trickle down theory in Abenomics does not look to be working.

Major companies in car making, electric appliances and steel producers answered to the demands of their labor union with less growth of labor wages than last year on Wednesday. The top car maker, Toyota Motors, degraded increase of monthly wage from ¥4,000 last year to ¥1,500. Workers for Honda will receive only ¥1,100 more than last year, while they enjoyed high wage hike of ¥3,400 a year ago. Most manufacturers contained their wage hike within a half of last year’s level.

“Trend of business environment has changed,” said President of Toyota, Akio Toyota. Toyota has been positive in raising salary for two years. But, from the beginning of this year, Nikkei average showed steep decline along with monetary policy of United States or deceleration of emerging economy including China. Growing value of Japanese yen against U.S. dollar put great pressure on exporters like Toyota. Managers of corporations decided that it was not the time for paying more salary to its workers as long as economic trend would not be preferable.

Abe administration has been encouraging major corporations to raise salary of their workers. While finishing reconstruction tax on corporations, the government introduced lower corporate tax rate. It was aimed at higher wage for workers in big companies, which would have positive impact on mid or small businesses. Abe dreamed “positive economic cycle” with smooth circulation of wealth in every corner of Japanese economy. Needless to say, however, each business entity is independent from the government in terms of handling its management.

Even in two previous years of high growth of wages, “actual wage” has been declining. Wage hike could not catch up with inflation. Introducing higher consumption tax rate damaged positive mind of consumers. According to Asahi Shimbun, actual individual consumption, which occupies 60% of gross domestic products, is lower than the level before Abe administration. In the meeting of analyzing international monetary at Prime Minister’s residence on Wednesday, Joseph Stiglitz, Professor of Columbia University, recommended Abe not to raise consumption tax rate next year. If Abe decides it, breaking open promise when he once postponed it, it will mean disaster of Abenimics.


Money and Baseball

There is a close connection between money and politics, regardless it is right or wrong. So, is it right or wrong for a professional baseball player to be connected to money? Now, professional baseball leagues are shaken with money scandals. Some were involved in underground gambling, while some teams had a rule of penalty on losing game or error. Yes, they work to earn money. But, the Japanese does not approve playing for money.

The epicenter of money scandal was Tokyo Yomiuri Giants, which had been recognized as the leader of Japanese professional baseball. While three players were punished with involvement in baseball gambling last fall, there currently came up the fourth player who had been included in the group. The player, Kyosuke Takagi, betted for eight or nine games in 2014, and he quitted it after he lost ¥500 or ¥600 thousand. Takagi apologized to the pubic in his press conference.

But, the scandal was not contained to one player. Media accused Giants of its inability to grab whole structure of the problem last fall. Questioned to its responsibility in harming credibility of pro baseball games, Supreme Adviser of Giants, Tsuneo Watanabe, and some board members stepped down. As President of Yomiuri Shimbun, Watanabe reigned over Yomiuri Group including Giants for decades. The fall of Watanabe indicated structural change of pro baseball community.

Money scandals did not stop there. Giants had a rule of paying money depending on the result of the game. The pitchers and fielders of Giants always have a gaggle before every game. The conductor of gaggle would get ¥5,000 from each player, if the team would win, and pay ¥1,000 each, if lose. The rule started in 2012, when the team was in a slump. But, the team did not report the fact, realizing it at the time of investigation for gambling last fall.

Amazingly, other teams followed, revealing their own scandals. Hanshin Tigers in Osaka, longtime rival of Giants, had the same rule as Giants had. Seibu Lions in Saitama also stepped forward as recognized the same routine among its players. Chunichi Dragons in Nagoya stocked money from the players who made an error in pre-game warming-up practice and donated the amount to nursery schools. Although the team emphasized its goodness in purpose, it could make the donation without penalty rule.

As in United States, the baseball fans demand high morality for professional players. Different from United Kingdom, private gambling is strictly prohibited in Japan. The scandal might be stemming from difference of culture over imported sports game.


Democratic Innovation Party?

Although it is not clear whether the party would collect support from voters against the regime led by Liberal Democratic Party, Democratic Party of Japan and Innovation Party agreed on the name of new integrated party as Minshinto, with possible English name of Democratic Innovation Party. While most DPJ members expected to secure the name of Minshu, which meant democracy, the public did not like it as much as DPJ thought. As long as integration in policies are left behind, new party will not be more than mutual aid group for next election.

As a result of discussion by top leaders, two parties raised two options for the name of new party: Rikken-Minshuto, or Constitutional Democratic Party, and Minshinto, or Democratic Innovation Party. DPJ wanted to leave Minshu in party name, which has been a symbol for Japanese liberalism from the beginning in1996. Innovation Party did not like Minshu, which had negative image for voters, since false handling of politics in the time of East Japan Great Earthquake or endless internal controversy over highly important agenda. They decided to operate polls independently.

Disappointing result for DPJ came up. It was understandable that Minshinto was supported more than Rikken-Minshuto in the poll by Innovation Party. But, even in the poll by DPJ, Minshinto took over Rikken-Minshuto. While 18.7% supported Rikken-Minishuto, 24.0% recommended Minishinto. The result meant that even supporters of DPJ were tired of negative image which the name of Minshu had.

DPJ members are worried about invalid vote written as Minshuto in next election. If the party name is Rikken-Minshuto and its abbreviation is registered as Minshu, a vote written as Minshuto will be counted for the party. For Minshinto, votes for Minshuto will not be counted. But, here is a fundamental question: How many votes are remaining for that unpopular party?

Problems are not swept away. Two parties are going to determine new party platform. They have agreed on setting three pillars of liberal, co-existence and responsibility for the future. On constitution, they will be insist on constitutionalism, while continuing efforts for designing future-looking constitution rooted on new human rights and reform for regional sovereignty. But, two parties have different idea on nuclear generation or deregulation. It is not clear to have integrated stance on some policies.

Inside DPJ, there remains frustration on the result of choosing party name. While the most expect DPJ President, Katsuya Okada, will be the president of new party, some argue presidential election should be held before the election. It is ordinary internal quarrel that degraded DPJ. There are some who do not learn lessons of history.


Not Referring to Amendment

There is a saying in Japanese bureaucracy: Do not let them know, but depend. Just as following it, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a speech in the annual general assembly of Liberal Democratic Party that concealed his determination for constitutional amendment, but focused on economic growth he had been promising. Meanwhile, he did never forget negative campaign against the opposite parties. Taming the people and killing enemy were his fundamental policies.

In the general assembly, LDP resolved the annual platform for 2016. “Under cooperation with every aspect of the people and various groups, we will promote a movement for expanding supports for constitutional amendment,” described the platform. It determined the goal to be securing two-third majority in both Houses, which would be necessary for initiative of constitutional amendment.

However, Abe refused to touch on this heavy and long-time issue for the party and himself. He has long been known as one of the radical top runners in this issue in LDP. After sitting the seat of Premier, he consecutively referred to his willingness of the amendment, including Article 9. Japanese people know well that he is going to take on his ambition, if he gets two-third majority in next election. Constitutional amendment is one of the greatest issues in the election.

Instead, he took time for selling his economic agenda. “The opposite parties criticize us that Abenomics has ended in failure. Numbers prove their argument to be baseless,” said Abe, raising statics of job rate. “By making positive circle between growth and distribution,” added Abe, “we will step forward to the goal of ¥600 trillion of nominal gross domestic products.” As shown these years, Japanese economy has been affected by international trends. It is obvious that future of Japanese economy rather depends on Chinese economy or monetary policy of United States than Abenomics.

His final goal is not economy, but victory in election. The fastest way to it is defeat his enemy. “We cannot be defeated by an irresponsible group,” appealed Abe to regional delegations of the party,” that may do everything, or cope with anyone.” It was apparently an antagonism against Democratic Party of Japan, which is seeking election cooperation with Japan Communist Party.

Opposite parties are sober enough. “It is business as usual for him,” told Katsuya Okada, President of DPJ, “that controversial policy is shortly written in campaign promises and implement it after victory.” Okada’s idea was true as long as seeing LDP’s method used in legislation of Designated Secrecy Law or exercising collective self-defense right. Japanese people have to realize true intention of the parties.