The package of bills, also including
approval of TPP agreement, will be discussed in special committee of each House
starting in April. Abe administration expects the bills to pass the Diet in
May, at least before Group 7 Summit in Ise-Shima, and to avoid being a major
issue in the election of House of Councillors this summer.
The main talking point should be financial
support for stockbreeders. With TPP agreement, tariff on beef will eventually be
lowered from current 38.5% to 9% sixteen years later. Tariff on pork meat will
be reduced from ¥482 per kilograms to ¥50 ten years later. Ranchers are deeply
worried about the future of their business.
The bill of revised Stockbreeding Products
Price Stabilization Act includes wider subsidy for the breeders. The national
government will compensate 90% of deficit of stockbreeding business and it will
be applied permanently. With Geographical Indications Act, the government will
work for protecting the value of regional products, cooperating with other TPP
Revised Copyright Act will protect authors
of novels for seventy years from the decease, extending the limit of current
rule by twenty years. Violation will be punished with decision of law
enforcement authority, not requiring voluntary indictment of the stakeholders.
The government also protects the right for trademark, when it is damaged by
falsely copied products. When a company promises correction of violation of
Anti-trust Act, it can escape surcharge.
Nevertheless, farmers are skeptical on
efficiency of those measures. Tariffs will be abolished on 30% in five crucial
products: beef/pork, rice, wheat, dairy and sugarcane. To an explanation of the
government that there would be no negative influence on rice, farmers argues
that the calculation is baseless. TPP negotiation with high secrecy left them
consistent frustration.
The government predicts ¥13 trillion of
surplus in gross domestic products of Japan or 800 thousands of new jobs with
new TPP rule for business in foreign countries. However, no persuasive evidence
was give to the public. The way Japanese government in promoting policies is
like demanding blank check to the people.
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