The Federation of Electric Power Company of
Japan estimated the cost for compensation and decontamination caused by the
severe accident in First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant to be exceeding the
original plan by ¥8 trillion. The federation demanded Japanese government to
pay for it. The owner of Fukushima Plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company, already
requested the government to pay the excessive cost for dismantlement of broken
plant. The total cost for the accident five and a half years ago has not been clear
at all.
The government estimated the cost of
compensation for sufferers or evacuees to be ¥5.4 trillion and of
decontamination for towns, rice pads or forests to be ¥2.5 trillion three years
ago. The owner, TEPCO, is supposed to receive the money for those purposes from
Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation. The
money for compensation would be paid by major power companies in Japan and cost
for decontamination would be yielded by selling the stocks of TEPCO possessed by
the corporation.
The estimation of FEPC proved the original
estimation to be too optimistic. The cost for compensation is amounting to ¥8
trillion, increasing by ¥2.6 trillion and decontamination will be expensive as
much as ¥7 trillion, adding ¥4.5 trillion to original plan. Further
unfortunately, the value of TEPCO stocks has declined, which reduces benefit of
selling them by ¥1 trillion. Total excessive cost can be calculated to be ¥8.1
trillion with the reasons above.
While TEPCO is supposed to pay for
dismantlement of the plant for themselves, its cost is greatly swelling from
estimated ¥2 trillion. To ask financial support, TEPCO and national government
established discussion over the burden.
FEPC raised some points that increased the
cost for treatment of the severe accident, including slow progress in
resumption of operation of nuclear reactors in Japan or higher competitiveness
over electricity sales after deregulation of retailing. But, it is reasonable
for Japanese public to become skeptical on nuclear power generation after realizing
incredible damage in Fukushima. It is unacceptable for ordinary people that diversification
of electric supplier causes further payment of tax money for a disabled power company.
There is an argument in the government that
further cost cannot be accepted by the people without determined effort of power
companies. It is still unclear whether the request of FEPC or TEPCO can be approved.
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