
Great Socialism of China

Communist Party of China opened the 19th party congress on Wednesday. President Xi Jinping read out the report of Central Committee, in which he declared new political target of building strong country of socialism by the one hundred anniversary of establishment of People’s Republic of China in 2049. Japan has to face stronger great power of communists in volatile Northeast Asia.

It was the first time for Xi to make political report to the congress, which would be held every five years. Xi stressed his achievement in his first term to have built up a thought of “unique socialism of China in new era,” defining it as a guideline of the struggle for great reconstruction of Chinese nation by the party as a whole and all the people. He declared building of “beautiful and strong country of modern socialism with prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony.”

To reinforce his new concept, Xi raised some targets to achieve. He set the target in 2020 to complete “moderately prosperous society,” as well as improving China’s power in economy and scientific technology by 2035 to lead the country to a modernized socialism with extremely small gap between the rich and poor. In his idea, the great power of modernized socialist nation with world top-level national power and international influence in the middle of this century.

He did not forget referring to the growth of military power. Reviewing these five years as having achieved “historical breakthrough in the reform of national defense and military,” Xi promised to build up military power in the first class of the world through modernization of the organization and equipments. He insisted protection of the rights of military personnel and their family to persuade the military frustrated with reduction of manpower in the reform.

It is expected that those concepts announced by Xi will become a new guideline of China named after him, which reminds of Thought of Mao Zedong or Theory of Deng Xiaoping. By putting himself on the position paralleled with past prominent leaders, Xi hopes to grab strong governance in all over China. It is not only about a great leader of China but the world.

Japan will have to deal with the giant authoritarian regime led by a leader who is not elected by direct election of the people. Japan cannot expect that China will release its core interest in East China Sea around Senkaku Island or other are in western Pacific Ocean. Great socialism of China will cause frequent frictions with neighbor countries, which can lead to serious conflicts in the region.

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