Following ships around Senkakus and PM 2.5, now we have a
risk of avian influenza from the continent. It was reported on Thursday that
three men in China died with H7N9 type of bird flu. National Institute of
Infectious Diseases in Japan concluded that the gene of that H7N9 virus could
have varied to be infectious for human. The risk the world is afraid of is the
pandemic of this bird flu. Although the specialists emphasize its low
possibility of that, people are frustrated with equivocal response of the
government of Japan.
It had been regarded that H7N9 was infectious only between
birds. But if a pig, that is vulnerable to both bird and human viruses, is
infected to the virus, the gene may vary to be infectious to human. After
findings of the deaths in China, researchers started doubting the virus had
become to be dangerous for human. Possible worst case should be a pandemic of
H7N9 in Asian region.
It can be remembered that the information concealment of
Chinese government about severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, was main
reason of broad infection of the disease in 2003. The Chinese officials this
time are showing willingness to open information to the public so far. But is
it fair to say that the government of Japan is more responsible than the
Chinese in providing the public with appropriate information?
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recommends to the
Japanese who traveled China and have a fever or coughs to see medical doctor
and declare about the trip. It also recommends to whom going to China not to
reach animals and to wash hands and gargle frequently.
There is, however, no sign of guarding the land from
penetration by foreign travelers. According to reports, Vietnam delivered
emergency order of shutting Chinese chickens and ducks out on the border.
Taiwan raised its security level against H7N9 in ports and airports, and
required travelers of quarantined diagnosis, if they have fever or sign of
pneumonia. Hong Kong started checking body temperature of travelers from China
in the border control using infrared camera. There is no report that the
government of Japan had set such measures as those governments.
Supposedly as well as China, bureaucrats in Japan believe
that the more people are innocent, the easier they can control the society.
This mind set has always caused making matters worse and losing confidence of
the government. Although World Health Organization has found no evidence that
the virus infected from human to human, nobody knows what is going on in China.
The confidence of a government depends on what it does for protecting life and
property of its nation.
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