
Japanese Neo-conservatism

What we are seeing in the movement of reinforcing military power to counter Chinese advancement may be an emergence of Japanese version of neo-conservatism. Taking advantage of anxieties prevailing over the society, the advocates of neo-con promote fundamental regime change in Japan. As history of United States tells, neo-conservatism does not lead a nation to any right course.

The common situation of U.S. and Japanese neo-cons was that the movement had been incubated during Democratic administration. Following the frustration on the policy of George H. W. Bush administration to leave Saddam Hussein in Iraqi post-Gulf War regime, U.S. neo-con was empowered by a major conservative movement called Contract with America. After the September-eleven attack, neo-con led security policy of George W. Bush administration, leading America to Iraq War.

During the administration of Democratic Party of Japan, there was frustration among the people that politics decided nothing, being involved in internal arguments. Japanese neo-con delivered conservative messages, distinguishing themselves from the liberals. Among them, there were some eccentric policies, such as creating national defense force instead of self-defense force or making the Emperor the head of state. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was raised by those who had been frustrated with situation of Japanese politics.

On the background of emergence of neo-con is fundamental anxiety of people about their future. As American people basically supported Iraq War at the beginning, if it would work for their homeland security, Japanese people who support reinterpretation of Article IX of the Constitution of Japan for exercising collective self-defense right believe the policy may be preferable to deal with potential threat from China. But the policy leaders do not care whether their nation can win a war, but care about retrieving their fame and honor as prominent conservative figures.

Not only stimulating potential threats and going toward unwinnable war, neo-conservatism also leads a nation to economic decline. G. W. Bush administration benefited the rich with consecutive tax cuts, which increased national debt. And military-leaning budget caused bubble economy with great amount of expenditure, which partly caused Lehman Shock. While posing ordinary people higher consumption tax rate, Abe administration is following Bush’s pattern with decreasing corporate tax. National deficit is gradually expanding, anyway.

As same as September-eleven for the Americans, March-eleven left a great sense of depression on Japanese people. But the lesson of Bush administration must have been that extremism would make matters worse. Calm down, be strategic.

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