The National Diet on Friday passed revised National
Referendum Bill with multi-partisan support except Communists and Social
Democrats. Although the Act had been unavailable because of some shortcomings
in its provisions, the revised law enabled constitutional amendment with
removal of contradictions. However, the revision was not legal adjustment, but
a simple consensus of majority to make one step toward constitutional
The National Referendum Act was established in 2007 by first
Shinzo Abe administration with brutal showdown by Liberal Democratic Party and
New Komeito. But it had been recognized that the law was not available until
“three projects” would be finished. They were A) concluding discussion over
whether legal age and suffrage age should be lowered from twenty to eighteen as
referendum age was determined to eighteen, B) to what extent campaign of public
servants should be allowed, and C) whether referendum should be applied to
other themes than constitutional amendment.
In the discussion at both Houses, referendum age would be
lowered from twenty or older to eighteen or older four years after the law
would be activated. Eight parties that submitted revised bill agreed on considering
lowering suffrage age within two years. However, there is no guarantee for
lowering legal full age. As the Constitution determines that “universal adult
suffrage is guaranteed with regard to the election of public officials,” there
may appear a contradiction when legal full age is twenty and suffrage age is
In terms of campaign of public officials, the homework was
not finished. Whether legal penalty would be applied to illegal campaign of
public officials and whether local public officials should be treated as equal
as national public officials was not concluded. Lawmakers saw no result in
discussion over referendums in broad area. While there is an argument that
national referendum is needed for resuming nuclear power generation, general
referendum may erode significance of indirect democracy through elected
The revision of Referendum Law was also insufficient in the
perspective of having no rule of lowest turnout for the referendum to be valid.
There was an argument that constitutional amendment should not be made by only
10% or 20% of eligible voters.
The biggest reason why they passed bill was responsibility
of lawmakers to fix problems of existing law. But as long as the law was made
through irregular process, the needed to have discussed all things from the
starting point, because there was no immediate necessity of the amendment.
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