
Okinawa Left Behind

Okinawa took one step away from Japan. Ignoring protests of residents, U.S. Marine Corps deployed two MV-22 Osprey in Futenma Air Base on Saturday. It is the government of Japan, rather than U.S. Force, that is responsible for those consistent oppositions against enhancing military presence in Okinawa, because the people in Okinawa regard that concentrated burden as a reflection of discrimination of the mainland Japanese. The United States also needs to pay attention to the necessity of distributing Okinawa’s burden.

One direct reason of the protest was that operations of Osprey have been violating the agreement the government of Japan and U.S. exchanged when it had been deployed in Futenma last October. Both governments agreed with avoiding flight over populated area and late at night. Nevertheless, residents observed 318 examples of violations during first two months. Asahi Shimbun reported that Osprey shook wall of houses under its flight, and kids went inside buildings when it came over their head. But, the government dismissed those appeals, recognizing those operations were necessary for drills of Marines.

Fundamental frustration, however, stems from the consecutive and additional betrayals of Japanese government. Former administration of Democratic Party of Japan forced Okinawa to accept alternative facility of Futenma Air Base, neglecting their promise to remove the base from Okinawa. Liberal Democratic Party won the election of the House of Representatives last December with the promise of reducing the burden of Okinawa. But, they lost Okinawa district in the election of the House of Councillors last month, mainly because of disappointment on LDP’s policy.

The deployment of 12 Ospreys adding to already deployed 12 reflects the attitude of Japanese government, in which it only understand the requirement of U.S. Force, ignoring Okinawa’s appeals. It is natural that people in Okinawa regard their land as being left behind of Japan. Against the growing threat from Korean Peninsula, and pressure from China around Senkaku Islands, the government of Japan keeps on accumulating burdens on Okinawa without any persuasive strategies.

U.S. government should not be optimistic on this deep rift inside Japan. If it wants to maintain deterrence against those instable factors, it needs to distribute the presence in Okinawa to reduce the burden in the most strategically important island. This kind of trouble inside the alliance only benefits China and North Korea.

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