
TPP and Election

It was once called the Opening of Japan in Heisei version. Trans-Pacific Partnership, on which 12 countries overwhelmingly agreed, rose up as one of the hottest issues in coming election of House of Councillors. The leading parties sell their policy to promote ratification process, appealing TPP to be a good opportunity for Japanese economy. The opposite parties accuse the conclusion drawn by Shinzo Abe administration. Farmers are determining the fate of both sides.

It was the administration led by Democratic Party of Japan that started considering participation to TPP. Naoto Kan, then Minister of Finance and later Prime Minister, led the discussion on it, resembling that unprecedented free-trade pact the opening of country at the end of Edo era. So, it is fair to say that Democratic Party is an original promoter of TPP.

Abe administration succeeded the policy after taking the seat late 2012. Abe announced participation to the rulemaking negotiation, which group on Pacific Rim included Japan’s most competitive counterpart, United States. When the negotiation reached overwhelming agreement last October, Abe told that he would make efforts to take foreign power in economic growth of Japan.

Among comprehensive issues in TPP, including manufacture, deregulation or intellectual property, agriculture marks highest stake between the leading parties and the opposite. The government of Japan calculated the impact of TPP on Japanese agriculture to be ¥130 to ¥210 billion of decline. While the government expects the farmers to manage their production with lowering cost or subsidy, the farmers are frustrated with their insufficient perspectives.

The Diet of Japan passed a resolution that demanded the negotiation to protect five products: rice, wheat, beef/pork, dairy products and sugar. The opposite parties criticized Abe to have violated the resolution, because the farmers would suffer from the abolition of tariff in 30% of agricultural products. Abe insisted that he achieved tariff exemption in 20% of all.

Agriculture has a great significance in every election of House of Councillors, in which 32 local electoral districts for one seat each will determine win or lose. In five districts in Tohoku region, agricultural cooperative organization defied candidates with Liberal Democratic Party. While the leading parties encourage the farmers to make their production efficient, the opposite parties require introduction of new subsidy on house-by-house basis. Votes of farmers may affect post-election politics of Abe administration.


Ineligible Young Voters

The coming election of House of Councillors on July 10th will be the first chance for 18 and 19 agers to vote in national election. They are mostly hopeful for participating in politics, which sometimes determines their future. However, some students will not be able to vote for any of the candidates. In the case that a college student who lives away from parents, leaving her/his residential registration at parent’s house, will be refused. An old law excludes some young voters from democracy.

As in other countries like United States, it is not unusual for a student enters a college away from her/his parents and lives in a dormitory around the college. Such students are financially dependent on their parents. For students, their life must be focused on study, not earning tuition through part time job. Although they get back home in summer or winter recess, it is fair to say that their main life is in their school, not parents’ home.

Public Officers Election Act determines that a voter who does not actually live in the electoral district cannot vote there and the local government can research whether the voters have actual record of residence. While it is up to each election committee whether or not to exercise the research, small towns tend to make it. After some local governments made detailed research on young voters, they found a certain number of voters who were not eligible.

One solution is voting absentee ballot. An eligible voter who is away from home for long business trip or vacation can exercise the right for absentee ballot before the election day. However, some local governments reject such absentee balloting with reason that Supreme Court formerly made a decision to determine the address of a student in the place of the dormitory. Actual decision is left on each local government.

Voting right has to be respected as one of the important human rights. As long as the right cannot be guaranteed without exercising it, local governments must make every effort to let the young voters vote. When they regulate that right, there has to be an indispensable reason. Japanese citizens in foreign country can vote for every election at each embassy.

Lowering age for eligible voters was quickly introduced with political intention to make constitutional amendment easier or legitimate. Lawmakers of the leading parties thought that voting age of national election should be the same as that of referendum for the amendment. They were too hasty to check whole system of laws in Japan. That short hand caused inequality under law.


Campaign Discussion on Energy

The Japanese witnessed uncontrollable nuclear power for several times. In 1945, devastation brought by atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused them to renounce war, being engraved in their constitution. In 2011, explosions in First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant caused by great earthquake and tsunami produced hundreds of thousands of evacuees, leaving their home for years. Now, current administration takes resumption policy of nuclear reactors. Nuclear Japan or non-nuclear Japan is one of the biggest issues in the election of House of Councillors.

After the severe accident in Fukushima, all the reactors in Japan, which amounted to 54, was halted and Japanese government laid strict regulation on resumption of them. Electric power companies with their own nuclear power plants took measures for reinforcing their facilities against quake or tsunami and 26 reactors in 16 plants have been applied to examination of Nuclear Regulation Authority for resuming their operation.

Among those 26 reactors, #1 and #2 of Sendai Power Plant resumed its operation in August and October last year. While #3 and #4 of Takahama restarted earlier this year, they were halted later with a court decision to require further inspection. It is supposed the #3 of Ikata will be resumed late July. In spite that life of nuclear reactors was determined as 40 years, NRA approved #1 and #2 of Takahama to continue their life for up to 20 more years.

Those policies were promoted by Shinzo Abe administration. His Liberal Democratic Party recognizes nuclear power as “an important base load power resource that contributes stability of energy supply,” in their campaign promise of coming election. While promoting resumption of reactors passed exam, LDP expects energy policy to be less dependent on nuclear power by introduction of the renewables. LDP’s coalition partner Komeito also promotes nuclear power generation with strict regulation and consent of residents.

Democratic Party, which was in the administrative position at the time of Fukushima accident, holds the policy of no nuclear power plant in mid-2030s. They also oppose resumption without responsible evacuation plan. Other opposite parties, Japan Communist Party, Social Democratic Party and People’s Life Party are clearly against nuclear power generation. JCP requires dismantlement of all nuclear reactors, while SDP proposes new legislation for getting rid of nuclear power generation by 2025.

Closely tied with electric power companies, Japanese government has not explored alternative energy resource enough. Politics has to coordinate the best way for the nation to live comfortable life without any fear of evacuation, radioactive waste or cancer.


Double Standard on Radiation Decrease

It has been five years and few months, since First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant emitted huge amount of radioactive materials after severe accident occurred in it. The radiation contaminated the soil around there. Local governments scraped the soil and accumulated it at the stockyards. The plan for taking care of the soil had been based on a notion that the radiation would be reduced to a safe level within 70 years. However, it proved to be 170 years for the radiation to be safe.

Mainichi Shimbun revealed that a working group for reviewing safety evaluation of radiation in Ministry of Environment had been escaping from decision for possibility of long-term storage of contaminated soil, even though they knew that it would take longer time to be safe than it had been calculated.

The working group expected that the contaminated soil could be used for fill of highway. The radiation was assumed as being reduced to be safe in 70 years, which would be the life of the road. They thought that radiation of concrete-covered highway should be 6,000 becquerel or lower and planted fill must be 5,000 becquerel or lower.

However, there is a double standard in safety standard of radiation. Nuclear Reactor Regulation Act determines that the safe level of radioactive cesium is 100 becquerel or lower. But, Special Act for Dealing with Radioactive Contamination, legislated after Fukushima accident, defines that debris with 8,000 becquerel of radiation must be dealt as “designated debris” needing careful treatment and the lesser would be treated with no problem.

The working group calculated the safety level of highway fill should be 8,000 becquerel or lower, even Nuclear Reactor Regulation Act determined it to be 100 becquerel or lower. But, the fact that the group made a trial calculation about how long it took for reducing radiation less than 100 becquerel proved their concern about collateral damage of contaminated soil. The chairman of the working group, Professor of Hokkaido University Tsutomu Sato, admitted that they were laying “theoretical armament” for applying 8,000 becauerel limitation.

This is a question about whether those people in the working group are suitable for dealing with nuclear waste, which may affect health of Japanese citizens. Only in Fukushima Prefecture, 22 million cubic meters of radioactive soil is accumulated in everywhere. Although they had to be as careful as applying strict standard, what they were doing was changing rules of game. Lack of honesty simply leads to losing confidence on nuclear policy.


Containing Damages of Brexit

The founding six nations of European Community, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherland, agreed on requiring United Kingdom quick start of negotiation for leaving European Union to contain chain reaction of exiting E.U. Realizing Brexit would not a simple nightmare, Japan started considering defensive measures to avoid collateral damages. The focusing point was economic stability.

After watching simultaneous decline of stock prices in the world, Ministry of Finance, Financial Service Agency and Bank of Japan held an extraordinary meeting to discuss actual measures for dealing with volatile international economy on Saturday. Assuming prolonged confusion in international monetary market, higher value of Japanese yen and further decline of stock prices next week, they shared recognition of possible crisis of recession both in Japan and the world and reconfirmed to take every measures to avoid it.

Minister of Finance indicated that intervention in foreign exchange to maintain the price of Japanese yen, saying “We will respond appropriately.” It is possible for Bank of Japan to increase the supply of foreign currency not to disturb procurement of foreign currency with reluctance on currency exchange between private banks. To supply U.S. dollar to the market, BoJ will take advantage of currency exchange system with major central banks in Europe.

Analysts predicted that the value of Japanese yen could be rising up to ¥95 against $1 in next few months. Some found it possible that Nikkei Average would decline to the level of ¥14,000. They were closely watching whether the groups for leaving E.U. would gain more power in Spanish parliament after the national election on Sunday. Stock market is highly vulnerable with speculation of possible secession of Spain or France.

How Brexit affects ordinary life of the Japanese? High value of Japanese yen will cause price down of imported goods. There might be sales campaign for foreign commodities in supermarkets. Car drivers may be rewarded with reasonable price of gasoline. Foreign travel will be easier with preferable currency exchanging rate.

Nevertheless, political leaders are growingly uncomfortable on the consequence of British decision. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe insisted that he was right when he proposed taking every measure to avoid world economy crisis in G7 Summit last month. “What is most needed now? It’s stability of politics,” told Abe in his campaign speech for the election of House of Councillors next month.

The opposite parties are trying hard for sealing the fate of Abenomics. “Abenomics party is over,” appealed President of Democratic Party, Katsuya Okada. Economic policy is looming up to the center of their campaign.


Misunderstanding Brexit

United Kingdom chose the way of turning back to the integration of nations for eternal peace. Britain’s leaving European Union would decelerate regional integration everywhere in the world and make the nations insist on preserving sovereignty from penetration of aliens. Not understanding those impacts well, the Japanese were simply appalled by unusually volatile move of markets.

Divided U.K. showed difference faces. Prime Minister, David Cameron, admitted his defeat as a pro-E.U. leader. “British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected,” told Cameron, with his mouth firmly shut, in front of 10 Downing Street, and announcd his stepping down. “Let June 23rd go down in our history as our independence day,” said Nigel Farage, leader of U.K. Independence Party, with victorious smile on his face.

Asahi Shimbun reported the news with an analytical article on its front page. “E.U. is losing its raison d’être and facing ever greatest crisis with possibility of self-collapse. The regional integration under the leadership of elites and concept-oriented, which had started from the oath of no war after World War II, is ending,” described the article. It elaborated that elitist politics in Brussels far away from the people faced strong protests.

But, Japanese TVs were reporting the interviews to the people in Tokyo, who were mostly worried about steep decline of Tokyo Stock Market. Nikkei Average on Friday marked ¥1,286 down and ended its exchanges at ¥14,952. With speculation that it must be relatively stable, Japanese yen was bought to the temporary level of ¥99 to one U.S. dollar. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe insisted on international cooperation in the Cabinet meeting Friday evening, saying “In Ise-Shima G7 Summit, the leaders agreed on properly taking every measure to avoid precipitation of new crisis.” Unfortunately, U.K. was one of those seven nations required to cooperate.

It is expected that volatility of international economy stemming from Brexit will damage Abe’s economic policy called Abenomics, which has been promoted by stock prices raised by lowly valued Japanese yen. One of the frontrunners of Abenomics, Toyota Motors, is suffering from higher cost for exporting cars to from the factories in U.K. to E.U. markets. The negotiation over economic partnership agreement between Japan and E.U. became unforeseeable.

Government of Japan warns closer relationship between U.K. and China. It is possible for U.K. to lift the embargo on arms after it leaves E.U. For Japan, containment policy toward China can be harder to achieve than ever. No one in Japan can be optimistic on Brexit.


Disappointment in Memorial Message

Okinawa had the 71st Memorial Day on Thursday, which commemorated the huge amount of loss of lives in Battle of Okinawa at the end of World War II. The battle was fought by Japanese Imperial Army to protect the mainland from advance of United States Force at the outpost. That is why the people in Okinawa realize the day with memory of sacrifice for Japanese government. It was something different this year, because they deeply grieved the death of a young woman raped and killed by U.S. military personnel.

On June 23rd, 1945, main battle in Okinawa ended after sacrifice of one-fourth of all citizens in Okinawa. Afterward, the islands were occupied by U.S. Force and the people got under control of American Force. In the Peace Treaty in San Francisco in 1951, Okinawa was legally left under U.S. administration, while Japanese mainland regained its sovereignty. Even after the return to Japan in 1972, most U.S. military base in Japan is concentrated in Okinawa. The people in Okinawa are frustrated with that situation and consecutive crimes committed by U.S. military.

In the Peace Declaration of the Memorial Ceremony, held on the Hill of Mabuni in Itoman City, Governor of Okinawa, Takeshi Onaga, elaborated that endless crimes were caused by the existence of the bases of American force. “The people in Okinawa Prefecture were deeply shocked and felt uneasiness and strong anger on this inhumane and atrocious incident,” told Onaga.

Onaga was frustrated with excessive burden on Okinawa. He questioned whether human rights, such as liberty, equality or democracy, were guaranteed to the people in Okinawa, which had to be a part of Japanese citizenship. “To build true basis of peace, we immediately require both governments of Japan and U.S. fundamental review of Status of Force Agreement and lightening our burden of having U.S. bases including reduction of Marine Corps and further closure of the bases. When he refused the relocation plan of Futenma Marine Air Base to Henoko, the attendants of ceremony applauded or whistled.

Notably enough, Onaga touched on the possibility of independence of Okinawa. “As engraved on the Bell of Bridging Nations, we will make efforts to succeed the spirit of our ancestors who traded with Asia and Japan, to be a bridge between Asia-Pacific region and Japan, and to promote exchanges of people, culture or economy,” said Onaga. In the context of his remarks, Okinawa was located outside of Japan, as an independent entity of international trade. It is skeptical for both governments to find the deep disappointment in it.


Unfocused Argument on Economy

On the day of official announcement of the election of House of Councillors, party leaders embarked on campaign trails to sell their policies. While Prime Minister Shinzo Abe still insisted on his economic policy called Abenomics, the opposite party leaders were enthusiastic in blaming the consequence of Abenomics and appealing their alternative ways. Is it possible, anyway, for Japanese politics to present a viable prescription for ailing Japanese economy?

Abe chose Kumamoto City, where the people were suffering from consecutive earthquakes and endlessly long evacuation, for the place of his first campaign speech. “This is the election to choose whether we strongly promote our economic policy or abandon it only to go back to that era of dark and slow progress,” told Abe, in addition to his determination for stable reconstruction of Kumamoto.

Abe has been appealing that his Abenomics was successful in getting rid of deflation and yielded some achievements in employment or workers’ wage. But, being unfortunate for him, relatively moderate environment of Japanese economy is basically dependent on trends in international economy, which showed some preferable elements for Japanese stock market or foreign exchange. Indexes for individual consumption or asset investment has not shown optimistic future of Japanese economy.

The opposite parties conclude that Abenomics is failed. President of Democratic Party, Katsuya Okada, insisted on his policies to stop reckless drive of Abe administration. “True economic policy needs to balance distribution and growth,” told Okada in his kickoff speech in Kofu, Yamanashi. He was highly skeptical against trickle-down theory of Abenomics and upheld further support for single mothers or subsidized scholarship. Other opposite parties also appealed policies for narrowing economic gap between the rich and poor.

But, DP was not successful in laying effective policy for distribution of wealth in their administration between 2009 and 2012. They are still weak in presenting actual measures. Abe keeps on blaming former DP administration as failed without any reliable timeline for economic growth. Both parties has not removed curse of the past.

Answer has been clear. Japanese economy has to get rid of uncertainty stemming from hugely accumulated fiscal debt. As long as wealth is not properly distributed to individuals, fundamental improvement of Japanese economy will not arrive. It is not prolonged blaming game but clear strategy for the future what the people want to see.


Constitutional Election

Ordinary election of House of Councillors was officially announced on Wednesday. 389 candidates ran for 121 vacant seats, a half of all seats in the House. No matter how Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President of Liberal Democratic Party, insisted on his determination to improve Japanese economy, news media focused on whether the leading parties would obtain two-third majority for taking initiative to amend Constitution of Japan. This is constitutional election.

There are four parties in the House that are positive in amending the Constitution: LDP, Komeito, Osaka Restoration Party and Japanese Mind Cherishing Party. They occupy 84 seats that are not expired this summer. To obtain two-third majority, 162 seats, that are required to take initiative for national referendum for constitutional amendment, they need to get 78 seats in the election.

For main opposite parties, Democratic Party, Japan Communist Party, Social Democratic Party and People’s Life Party, deadly want to disturb it. Although they are not united for maintaining the Constitution as a whole, four parties held common goals of not changing Article 9 for renouncing war and abolishing new security legislation that was against traditional interpretation of the Constitution.

To intercept giving Abe administration two-third majority, those four parties agreed on having unusual cooperation in the election. Although JCP has been raising its own candidate in every electoral district, it refrained from competing with DP this time. DP decided to support JCP candidate in Kagawa district, which is highly unusual. As the result of strategic election cooperation, those four parties got successful in raising integrated candidate in each of 32 swing districts, which would determine the fate.

In the policy debate on Tuesday, Abe reluctantly admitted that constitutional amendment was one of the key issues of the election. “I didn’t say that constitutional amendment would not be the issue. It is not this election but national referendum that would decide how the provisions would be changed. The important thing is to calmly discuss the amendment in an article-by-article manner in Commissions on the Constitution of both Houses and ask conclusion in national referendum,” said Abe.

Leaders of the opposite parties consecutively expressed their firm resistance against the amendment under Abe administration. “Prime Minister has totally wrong recognition on constitutionalism. It is doubtful that he thinks the Constitution to be binding political power,” told DP President, Katsuya Okada. It is worth notable whether eligible voters will focus on the issue in their voting.


Resuming Old Reactors

Nuclear Regulation Authority on Monday approved the reactors #1 and #2 in Takahama Nuclear Power Plant, owned by Kansai Electric Power Company, to extend its operation for 20 years. It was the first time for nuclear reactors with 40 years old or more to survive the regulation of dismantling old reactors. While nuclear regulation policy has been focusing on safety, the decision marked a turning point to put priority on economic efficiency rather than people’s life.

Revised Nuclear Reactors Regulation Act determined the life of a reactor to be 40 years old, which was regarded as the time when pressure vessel would be deteriorated in exposure to neutron. But, it included an exceptional provision that allows 20 years of extension, if NRA had endorsed safety of the reactor. But, the exception had been recognized as extremely exceptional by the administration of Democratic Party of Japan at that time.

In the examination of NRA on Takahama reactors, safety of combustible cable with 1,300 kilometers long was focused. KEPCO replaced six-tenths of whole cable into incombustible and rest of the cable was wrapped around by fire-proof sheet. NRA also exercised “special inspection” on the reactors. For NRA, there was a risk of being a defendant in a lawsuit from KEPCO, if it would decide dismantlement of Takahama reactors.

As its result, NRA left confirmation of the strength of the reactors against earthquake behind. Examination on cooing-down system, which would take a few years, was not completed and postponed to the time after resumption. It is unbelievable for an authority that was established with serious lessons of nuclear accident caused by earthquake to ignore the safety of nuclear reactors in possible earthquake.

It has been worried that the exceptional provision would make the law castrated. That concern became a real. Shinzo Abe administration upholds a plan to increase nuclear power generation to the level that it occupies 20% to 22% of all electricity in Japan. To reach that goal, extension of old reactors’ life was indispensable. NRA could not stand against the pressure from the administration and Kanden.

KEPCO delivered a victory comment. “We appreciate the active investigation,” told an officer of the company to the press. Other companies expect further resumption of old reactors, based on the model of Takahama process. While requiring the world without nuclear weapons, Japan is rebuilding its country highly based on nuclear power, leaving behind of tragic memory of deaths and long-time evacuation after a severe nuclear accident in Fukushima.


Protest Against U.S. Force

Huge rally against United States Force in Okinawa again. 65 thousands of people in Okinawa participated in the rally on Sunday, protesting the murder of young lady in Uruma City by former member of U.S. Marine Corps. Okinawa is the place where China has been raising tension around Senkaku Island in East China Sea. Consecutive crimes by U.S. personnel delay settling the argument over restructuring U.S. Force in Okinawa and make security posture in the region vulnerable.

It was 1995 when 85 thousands gathered protesting rape incident on an elementary school girl by three men with U.S. Marine or Navy. Although the number was smaller than that time, families, old agers or regional groups streamed in an athletic stadium in Naha City. Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito refused the rally, opposing prepared draft of resolution of the meeting. It was a difference from multi-partisan rally in 1995.

In the meeting, a message from the father of the victim was read. “In the situation of consecutive crimes and accidents by U.S. military personnel or tails, my daughter also became one of the victims. Not to produce another victim, I require removal of all U.S. bases in Okinawa and protest building new base in Henoko. I think it is possible, when the people in Okinawa are united,” told the father. Governor of Okinawa, Takeshi Onaga, regretted that he could not change the system of politics in spite of firm determination not to reiterate the tragedy in 1995.

The resolution delivered from the rally was fundamentally hostile to U.S. Force. It quoted that U.S. Force committed 5,910 crimes, 575 of which was felonious ones, only after Okinawa’s returning to Japan in 1972. “Every time a crime occurred, U.S. and Japanese government referred to ‘official discipline’ or ‘recurrence prevention,’ but there is no example of implementation. Anger of Okinawan people requiring removal of U.S. bases to prevent those crimes cannot be ceased,” told the resolution.

The conclusion of the rally was requirement of apology and thorough compensation from U.S. and Japanese government, retreat of U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa and closing and removal of Futenma Marine Airbase without relocating it to other place in Okinawa, and fundamental revision of Japan-U.S. status of force agreement.

LDP is worrying about the impact of growing anger in Okinawa on coming election of House of Councillors. Although Shinzo Abe administration was showing soft and talkative attitude on Futenma relocation, the crime of U.S. Force undermined those efforts. The opposite parties want to grab this momentum to counter leading party’s advance. However, both sides do not look to be aware of damage on security posture in southern sea.


Politics for 18 and 19 Agers

Revised Public Officers Election Act was activated on Saturday. The law for the first time allowed the people in the age of 18 or 19 voting in elections. Japanese government recognized their ability to make right decision in politics at last. Young people are hopeful in expecting better policies for their generation. Politicians have to take better care of those 2.4 millions of new voters.

It was the first time for election age to be changed since it was lowered from 25 to 20 in 1945. 18 and 19 agers are possible to vote for electing lawmakers in both Houses of Representatives and Councillors, governor, mayor, member of local congress or local committee members for agriculture, fishery or forestry. They can also vote for national referendum for the Judges of Supreme Court or recall for governor, mayor or member of local congress.

The first chance in national election will be the coming election of House of Councillors on July 10th. The people in the age of 18 or higher on July 11th will be able to vote. In the discussion between new voters and party leaders in Osaka, a college student asked whether voices of young voters would be ignored, because politicians would tend to put priority on old people more conscious on politics. Although party leaders told they would be careful for young people, young agers felt a sense of dishonesty on their explanation.

Parties are crazy about drawing attention of young voters. Liberal Democratic Party appointed its local congress members to “officers for student division” and dispatched them to colleges and high schools. A cartoon of 18-year-old main character appeared on LDP webpage. Democratic Party held a meeting called “Democratic Party High School,” in which young DP lawmakers discuss with young female fashion models, who has a million followers in Twitter. While Komeito included subsidy for infertility treatment in their campaign platform after sucking young voices up, Japan Communist Party distributed flyers to restaurants around colleges, which promised halving college tuition in ten years or legislating Black Company Regulation Act to regulate exploitation on workers.

Rending young agers more rights and responsibilities is still on its way. Although 18 and 19 agers are able to join political activity or election campaign after school, they will not be punished in the same way as the 20-year-old or higher, even how an illegal activity they would make. They are still protected as not yet of age. Civil Code of Japan still determines that age of adult is 20.

That is a result of compromises of the parties. Conservative LDP wanted to lower the voting age, because national referendum for constitutional amendment allows 18 and 19 agers voting. If they were not eligible for ordinary election, the law for constitutional amendment can be losing its legitimacy. Opposite parties were simply wanted new voters, knowing that contradiction of making two kinds of voters. It is not young voters but Japanese democracy that is not matured.


Don’t Say Meltdown

A so-called “third party” investigation committee on severe accident in First Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant submitted Tokyo Electric Power Company a report that revealed unusual order of then-President, Masataka Shimizu, not to use the word of “meltdown” in its explanation about situation of the nuclear reactors. Controversially enough, the committee indicated that the order was instructed by Prime Minister’s Official Residence, or Kantei, at that time. The leaders of Democratic Party, which was running the administration at the time, got furious on the attribution.

According to the report, Shimizu ordered his staff to send a memo reading “meltdown” to the Vice-President, Sakae Muto, in a press conference on 8:40 p.m. of March 14th, 2011. The staff whispered to Muto not to use that word, because it was an order from Kantei. Whether meltdown occurred in the reactors was a focal point to understand what happened in the Fukushima plant at that moment. TEPCO did not make that point clear for two months.

The report did not reveal when, who and how the order of Kantei was issued and received. The committee did not have interview to anyone in Kantei, who were in charge of management for the nuclear accident. Then Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, requires elaborating what kind of person was meant by “Kantei.” The chairman of the committee, Yasuhisa Tanaka, told that interviewing was difficult, because of lack of authority and enough time.

As long as the committee consists of lawyers appointed by TEPCO, its objectivity as a their party is limited. Secretary General of Democratic Party, Yukio Edano, blamed the report as twisting truth. “The report was defamation against our party and skeptical as disturbing our election campaign,” told Edano in his press conference. Democratic Party considers filing a lawsuit.

TEPCO was once successful to plant an image of excessive intervention of Kantei, when Kan was criticized as emotionally demanded venting air in the building of Fukushima nuclear plant, the behavior which was broadly regarded as disturbing disaster management. TEPCO must have tried to do the same thing, as long as Shinzo Abe administration would be welcome those action to defame the opposite party.

There is a tendency that a scandal is investigated by “third party,” which is not completely neutral. Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, launched “third party” investigation committee for his money scandal. Pretending to be neutral by outsourcing discussion is a long-time culture in Japanese bureaucracy that kept on building consultation body for every important policy.


Tokyo Governor Steps Down

Even trivial errors bring a fatal consequence. In the midst of scandal over irrelevant spending of political money, Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, announced to be stepping down, having been unable to explain his behavior. Masuzoe looked self-confident on his management of the scandal at the beginning. However, he did not know what the politics is all about, in spite of his carrier as a scholar of international politics.

Any of doubts on Masuzoe did not have great significance in terms of managing policies of Tokyo Metropolitan Government. He reported his family trip as unofficial conference with someone important. It must not be impossible that he had a meeting for his job, leaving his family in another room in the hotel. But, it must have been possible for him to reveal the name of whom he had the meeting with, if it had been an important meeting. As a result, Masuzoe refused naming the man. He explained that revealing the name was politically inappropriate.

Masuzoe also tried to reason his purchase of silky China clothes to be necessary for calligraphy. “Because I am a judo player and have muscular shoulder, smooth clothes were needed for the practice of calligraphy,” Masuzoe seriously told. He tried to say that he needed the clothes for political activity and buying them with political donation was correct. How could he say that writing letters on a paper was political activity?

Masuzoe must have thought that his argument would stand, because no one would contradict his reasoning with hard evidences. By covering the name over, people could not determine whether he really met the man or not. The man who was suspected to have met with Masuzoe in the hotel died last year. No one can actually argue Masuzoe’s personal feeling of wearing Chinese clothes. In those ways, Masuzoe tried to drop those doubts from the table of argument.

However, politics is not about theoretical correctness of explanation, but satisfaction of the people. It is obvious that the people in Tokyo have not been satisfied with the naïve explanations. They realized that Masuzoe has been lying with a great certainty. For the supporters of Masuzoe, namely Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito, Masuzoe scandal was becoming fatal element for their election of House of Councillors, because they looked to be the colleagues of the liar. The greatest miscalculation of Maszue was that LDP and Komeito finally abandoned him. Lying will be a fatal injury for a politician, even though it is not proved to be a lie.


Intimidation into Territory

Ministry of Defense confirmed that a Chinese military vessel was cruising in Japanese territory sea offshore Kuchinoerabu Island, Kagoshima, early Wednesday morning. Six days before, China sent three military vessels to contiguous zone of disputed Senkaku Islands. While China explained its behavior as legally correct, it is apparent intimidation against Japanese sovereignty. Chinese escalation policy can invite unexpected consequence.

According to MoD, a patrol aircraft of Maritime Self-defense Force confirmed that a reconnaissance vessel of Chinese Navy was passing Japanese territorial sea in the west of Kuchinoerabu Island around 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday. The vessel ignored warning of Japanese aircraft to leave Japanese territory, and cruised for one and a half hours. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fumio Kishida, recognized this incident as escalation of recent situation. The ministry protested Chinese Embassy on the official level through telephone call.

Chinese Ministry of Defense issued a statement to justify their activity in Japanese territory. “It is a strait used for international navigation and our activity matches freedom of navigation determined in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,” told the statement. China did not refer to the purpose of sneaking into Japanese territory.

U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea allows any ships including military vessel innocent passage through territorial sea of a country. China seems to be claiming that right. But, the vessel has been collecting information of a military exercise by United States, India and Japan. It was following one of the Indian vessels. If the Chinese spy vessel were in reconnaissance operation, it would not be an innocent passage.

It was obvious that China has been frustrated with Japan’s military cooperation with U.S. In the exercise called Malabar, U.S. Navy Carrier John C. Stennis was continuing touch-and-go drill in the east of Okinawa Island. Chinese spy vessels were watching it in the distance of 12 kilometers from the carrier. A journalist of Mainichi Shimbun reported that he vaguely saw those Chinese vessels from the carrier in his press tour.

China seems to accumulating fait accompli in East and South China Sea. Experts supposed that the sneaking into Japanese territory was to see the response to its new action. While China demands military vessels of other countries reporting in passing Chinese territorial sea, it passed Japanese territory without any report. International law must not be unilaterally interpreted by an emerging power.


Campaign Discussion in Heat

Before the official announcement for coming election of House of Councillors, policy discussion between parties is heating up. Candidates appeal rightness of some important policies of his/her party. In the open debate in Sapporo, Hokkaido, which has five candidates from major parties for three vacant seats, security issues or Abenomics was thoroughly discussed.

On new security legislation, which Prime Minister Shinzo Abe legislated last year, two candidates of Liberal Democratic Party emphasized its necessity for security of Japan. One of them, Gaku Hasegawa, told that the legislation was to deal with the change of international environment seen in China or North Korea. Another, Katsuhiro Kakiki, evaluated the legislation as a measure for protecting life, property or freedom.

Two candidates with Democratic Party, Eri Tokunaga and Yoshio Hachiro, labeled the legislation as unconstitutional. “In spite of accumulated decision of LDP that recognized exercising collective self-defense right as unconstitutional, why did Abe administration changed it? The Cold War is over. Needing peaceful diplomacy and dialogue, security legislation should be abolished,” told Tokunaga in the debate. A candidate of Japan Communist Party, Tsuneto Mori, argued that Japan would be an aggressor under the legislation, enabling Japan to be involved in an aggressive war employed by other countries.

Opposite parties are strongly accuse Abe’s willingness of amending Constitution of Japan. “Basically, who wants to amend it? Constitution is for protecting people’s right from reckless driving of despotic power. It is ridiculous for that power to initiate constitutional amendment,” told Tokunaga. Hahciro stressed that he would absolutely oppose changing Article 9 of the Constitution.

Abe is negative in discussing Constitution in his campaign speeches, because he knows that most people are reluctant to change it. Two candidates of LDP told that the amendment should be promoted through calm and realistic discussion.

On economic policy, the opposite parties determined that Abenomics was failed. Hachiro and Tokunaga criticized Abenomics as failed in increasing individual consumption. Mori argued that actual wage of the people declined, while big corporations accumulated retained earnings. Hasegawa and Kakiki admitted that Abenomics had not arrived in local region.

While the opposite parties were against resumption of nuclear power plants, the leading parties promoted resumption policy of Abe administration. Tokunaga opposed ratification of Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would affect regional economy of Hokkaido that depended on agriculture.


Stressing Terrorism Aspect

Japanese media reported the shooting in a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, as the worst gun assault in United States history. Although the criminal was reported as pledging allegiance to Islamic State, the incident was mainly recognized as a hate crime against sexual minority. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stressed the aspect of terrorism and expressed his intolerance on the incident. The man always interprets everything happening in the world as he prefers, as shown in his perception of world economy to be in crisis.

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation realized the shooter, Omar Mateen, as a homegrown terrorist. He called 911 before the assault to reveal his allegiance to I.S. and referred to his relation to the bombing in Boston Marathon in 2013. A radio station operated by I.S. hailed the incident as “one of the caliphate soldiers in U.S. sneaked into a mass of the homosexuals and killed or injured over 100 of them.” However there is no indication about Mateen that he was trained or ordered by I.S. It is possible for the terrorist organization to have taken advantage of the incident for their propaganda.

Abe told the reporters in his election campaign for Liberal Democratic Party in Oita that he would not tolerate dirty terrorism and promote any measures for eliminating terrorism. “I’m shocked and feel anger on many sacrifice of U.S. citizens,” told Abe in his message to U.S. President Barack Obama, “and terrorism cannot be allowed with any reason and I firmly denounce it.” “I share your firm determination for the fight against terrorism and will keep on being involved in it with U.S. or international society.” He looked to be justifying his involvement in tighter security policy or amendment of Article 9 of Constitution of Japan.

Obama stressed his recognition as indiscriminative assault against homosexuals. Japanese media rather focused on the separation of U.S. society between tolerance and hate against LGBT than organized terrorism with which international society had to deal. Gun control in U.S. is an issue that the Japanese have been interested in since a Japanese student was shot to death in Baton Rouge, L.A., in 1993.

A broad concern is how the incident affects Presidential election. Hillary Clinton emphasized necessity of tighter gun control as well as fight against terrorism or support on sexual minority. A prescription offered by Donald Trump was to exclude Moslems. “In my speech on protecting America I spoke about a temporary ban, which includes suspending immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror,” said Trump in Twitter. It is still unclear which this incident supports, gun control or Islamophobia.


Subsidy for Security Study

Ministry of Defense introduced new subsidy for studies that could be applied to defense equipments last year. The ministry can confide basic study to academic institution and expend annual ¥30 million at most. Researchers in universities are getting interested in the offer. On the background, there is an environment of academic study falling short of achieving necessary budget. Military is getting an incentive for academic study.

The subsidy is named Security Technology Study Promotion System. To encourage creative study that is applicable to defense equipments, the ministry asks colleges or corporations proposals. “This system is to collect technological proposals on projects selected by MoD from various researchers outside,” says MoD webpage. The ministry stresses that the achievement of subsidized study will not only be used in research and development of MoD, but also for non-military purposes.

Last year, MoD requested development of engine that enables aircraft to fly with speed of mach number 5 or small aircraft with the size of insect or small bird. The ministry adopted nine proposals out of all 109 and spent ¥300 million for them. Asahi Shimbun reported comment of a researcher who applied to the subsidy with research of new material that could absorb poisonous gas. While expecting development of versatile mask, the researcher was worried about misunderstanding on his study that he might be supporting MoD to make lethal weapons.

Science Council of Japan declared in 1950 that they would never obey to scientific study aimed to waging war. That was based on deep regret that science had been taken advantage of by military section of Japanese government. However, there comes up various technologies for public use that can be transformed for military purpose, such as robot technology. Although SCJ launched a committee for studying relationship between security and academism last month, some researchers appealed not to apply to the subsidy. “Even how they emphasize it to be basic study, it must be military study as long as it is subsidized from security budget,” told Satoshi Ikeuchi, Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University.

But, Japanese government is saving money for academic studies, because of financial difficulties. There is an extreme argument that all divisions for liberal arts in national universities should be closed. Status and employment of researchers is unstable. It is likely for a researcher who deadly wants financial resources to rely on governmental money, regardless the purpose of the system. The government knows it well.