
Struggle over Agricultural Governance

It was recognized as a firm dispute against the reform initiated by Shinzo Abe administration. The Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives, or JA-Zenchu, released its voluntary reform plan, which would preserve their power to regulate each regional agricultural group all over Japan. It is obvious that the administration will oppose and take further effort for reform. It is a war declaration by farmers’ union against the neo-liberalist regime.

Having suffered from consecutive pressure from Abe administration, Zenchu has been considering its own reform plan. The crucial point had been whether legislative endorsement should be remained in the body. In Agricultural Co-operatives Act, Zenchu has a power to supervise regional agricultural agencies for maintaining stable management of production.

The voluntary plan appealed to remain the power in Zenchu. If the power is stripped, Zenchu will lose its role to train agricultural management or to coordinate the share of products for regional groups. Without that power, Zenchu will no longer need the huge body and officers. The reform is in other words a survival race for Zenchu.

However, the voluntary reform plan is nothing but maintenance of current old system. While it abandoned its power to “universal” oversight on regional groups, legislative basis for Zenchu will be remained. It also determined the role of Zenchu as consultation for agricultural management of each farmers, leader of delivering famers’ opinion and coordination of various interests of farmers. It actually means nothing changes.

The requirement of Abe administration has been reforming the system competent with the liberalism in international trade framework. Although each farmer has been serious about developing foreign market for their own, Zenchu has been lagging behind of presenting solution, consistent with its own interest as leading organization. There is no answer in the reform plan to address up-to-date issues.

Abe administration will require Zenchu further steps for reform. With disappointment on voluntary effort, the administration will put the reform forward with stricter measures for slimming the organization up. In the background, there is interest of corporations trying to invest agricultural business. In terms of making Japanese agriculture competitive, the reform of current production system is definitely needed. But it is still unclear whether private companies can is a solution of current problem. The struggle between Zenchu and Abe administration, in its nature, is a simple adversary over generating their own interests.

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