
Japanese Administration Takes Opportunity

As predicted, short-tempered intimidation of North Korea has been helping Japanese administration. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe proudly denounced Kim Jong-un regime in the discussion of National Diet on Friday as undermining international peace and safety. Lawmakers collectively supported Abe’s criticism against the North with immediate resolution. Abe grabbed a momentum to improve the bilateral relation with South Korea by maintaining diplomatic channel with President Park Geun-hye. He has to thank the despotic regime in the peninsula.

In the plenary meeting of House of Councillors, Abe expressed deep concern on the experiment of nuclear bomb, not determined as hydrogen bomb yet. “This test was making further progress in the development of nuclear bomb of North Korea. Considering enhanced capability of ballistic missiles as vehicles, it is a significant threat against security of our nation,” told Abe. He estimated technological maturity in the fourth nuclear test with possibility of downsizing of nuclear warhead.

Abe called President Park on Thursday. They agreed on cooperating in taking countermeasures against the North and expected actions of United Nations Security Council. Taking the opportunity, Abe reiterated the importance of “final and irreversible” settlement of comfort woman issue and establishing new era of Japan-South Korea. Park basically welcomed Abe’s idea.

Japanese government is considering stricter sanction against North Korea. Japan lifted a part of its own sanction in July, 2014, including banning entrance of North Korean citizens to Japan or mandated reporting of bringing money over a hundred thousand yen out of Japan, when the North started investigation of missing Japanese abductees. Japanese government expects to resume those sanctions and to take additional action for banning money transfer. Those measures will be laid along with international efforts against the North made by U.N., United States or South Korea.

Each House of Representatives or Councillors passed a resolution to criticize the nuclear test by North Korea on Friday. “We rigidly protest and firmly accuse this nuclear experiment, which was exercised ignoring international opinion, and it was not only a serious challenge against international regime for non-proliferation, but also an outrage we could not tolerate as the only nation suffered from nuclear bombs,” said the resolutions. Including opposition parties, the Diet stepped forward to the same direction as Abe was taking. Japanese Prime Minister is surely taking opportunity of united action with internal political opponents and diplomacy for containment of the North.

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