
Couldn’t Rescue Japanese Custodies

They were having dinner in a restaurant during Ramadan, which could not be blamed as foreigners, though. Armed group with Islamic faith raided a restaurant in Dhaka on Friday, killing 20 people including 7 Japanese workers on a development project. Japanese government, topped by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, tried hard to rescue the Japanese hostages, which was not successful. The incident showed fundamental vulnerability of the Japanese in terrorism in overseas.

The terrorists shouted “Allahu Akbar,” when they rushed into the restaurant. Taking 35 customers custody, the terrorists demanded them to recite Quran, which became a condition to be spared. In a plunge by Bangladeshi security army, 6 terrorists were killed and 13 hostages were rescued, while others were killed. Islamic State claimed responsibility on the incident.

Japanese government launched emergency headquarters in the Embassy in Dhaka. Prime Minister Abe held a meeting of National Security Council in his official residence, after canceling his election campaign trip to Hokkaido. Abe expressed his regret on occurrence of victims, while offering support and solidarity, in a telephone talk with Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina.

Japanese government made two new attempts to deal with the incident. One was to send Emergency Response Team, which was headed by Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs. The team was established after terrorism in Algeria in 2013, in which 10 Japanese workers in a development project was killed. Another was to dispatch International Terrorism Information Collecting Unit, which consisted with experts in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense or National Police Agency. The unit was launched after the killing of Japanese journalist in Syria last year.

The lesson of those two past incidents was that it was hard for Japanese government to make meaningful action in terrorism in foreign country. Although there was an argument to make new legislation to send Japanese Self-Defense Force for rescuing purpose to the country or the neighbor, it proved to be ridiculous to violate sovereignty of foreign nation for helping Japanese people. ERT or ITICU did not work in terms of not achieving rescuing all the hostages.

Serious enough for Japan, even Japanese civilians are target of terrorists. In spite of the pacifism provisions in Constitution of Japan, including renouncement of war or non-possession of arms, the Japanese will be convenient soft targets as long as it cannot distinguish its presence from United States. Simply hating terrorism or showing determination to fight terrorism is not the answer.

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