
Showdown on Violent Scandal

The violent scandal of sumo wrestlers, which caused retirement of yokozuna Harumafuji, seems to be settled with dismissal of retired yokozuna Takanohana from the director of Japan Sumo Association. Takanohana is accused of his behavior not to report the injury of one of his disciples Takanoiwa and not to cooperate with investigation of the association. However, it is likely for Takanohana to return to his position in the next election of board members within few months.

According to the gossip news that have been active in reporting the scandal, it is confirmed that Harumafuji hit Takanoiwa for tens of times in the bar in Tottori, causing absence of Takanoiwa in Kyushu tournament in November with injury on his head top. Yokozunas Hakuho and Kakuryu were there, but did not stop Harumafuji hitting Takanoiwa. JSA already decided to pose penalty of cutting salary of Hakuho and Kakuryu.

As the mentor of Takanoiwa, Takanohana has been refusing interview of JSA on the issue, because he thought that having contact with JSA would confuse investigation of police on the case. JSA repeatedly requested Takanohana to appear to Crisis Control Committee, Takanohana has been refusing it until the investigation of the police would finish.

An extraordinary meeting of the board of directors on Thursday decided to propose dismissal of Takanohana to Council meeting scheduled in January 4th. It is likely that the council will approve the proposal, which will be the first case of a director to be discharged. Although the board asked Takanohana of his voluntary resignation, he refused it in front of other members. If the move of dismissal is passed, Takanohana will be dropped by two ranks and become an ordinary board member.

It is not unusual for a person concerned to a criminal case to keep information not to disturb investigation of police. But JSA board of directors unanimously, except Takanohana, decided that his behavior was seriously opposed the responsibility of director to find the truth of scandal. It is supposed that there is a sharp antagonism between the board that protects Mongolian star wrestlers and Takanohana who is frustrated with Mongolian community among the wrestlers. Mainichi Shimbun raised a headline of Curious on Xenophobic Tendency for its editorial on Friday.

Having said that, Takanohana can run for the election of the directors after January tournament next month. It is likely that once-dismissed director, Takanohana will be elected again with necessary support from other board members. JSA evaded displacement of former popular yokozuna, being afraid of backlash from Sumo fans. The scandal after all is something about survival of Sumo wrestling, which is not one of the sports but exhibition of traditional culture of Japan.

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