
Test Score Enthusiasm

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, or MEXT in bureaucratic term, released the result of integrated national examination for sixth and ninth grade in April. It found that overall ability of students was raised up this year. Margin between the worst prefecture and national average was narrowed, indicating less students were left behind. Criticizing excessive competition, however, some teachers and experts protest naming best or worst schools.

The test was simultaneously operated for the subjects of Japanese language and mathematics in all over Japan on the same day. MEXT released the average score of each prefecture late August. The ministry thinks that improvement in guidance based on past results, introducing writing intensive study and connection with ordinary life, and practice of homework contributed good result.

As usual, Akita and Fukui became the top of both sixth and ninth grade. Those two prefectures are known as having advanced method of learning, which is basically letting the students think about solution by themselves. Sixth grade students in Okinawa rose up from the worst to sixth position in mathematics. Teachers in Okinawa introduced “Akita method” through teachers exchanging program. Closely watching slow progress helped students make better effort.

Teachers and parents tend to be excited at the score their kids earned as in every country. City of Osaka disclosed the result of every public school, as it did last year. Osaka Board of Education explained that the board needed to take responsibility to disclose public information to the parents. But it does not matter for raising the ability of students. Osaka is one of the lowest prefectures in test score.

Once the ranking of schools is revealed to the public, it is likely that parents escape from school in low level and move to the area with a highly ranked school. Since families are concentrating to good schools, it sometimes affects to price of real estate around the school. This is common tendency of game in Japan that all players rushing to a ball in soccer.

Nobody would blame the effort of enhancing studying ability of students. One thing teachers and political leaders need to understand is students in Japan are already in the highest level in competition among the world. Education politics does not understand “common but differentiated” responsibility of students. It is necessary for them to introduce tailor-made education for every kid.

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