
No Difference Between Public and Private

The investigation team for money scandal of Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, concluded on Monday that his spending of political money was partly inappropriate, finding no illegality. Apologizing his careless behavior, Masuzoe insisted on continuing his job with firm determination. The residents of Tokyo must be disappointed to his explanation.

The investigation team listed a number of hotel stays, dinners, purchase of books or paintings, which were suspected as inappropriate. Spending of about ¥370,000 for two stays in a hotel in Kisarazu, Chiba, which had been explained as for political meeting, was concluded as family trip in a whole context, even if Masuzoe had short business meetings. The staying in a hotel in Nikko, Tochigi, was regarded as family trip after visiting an art exhibition.

The team determined that four payments in the restaurants were also inappropriate. Two of them were done in off-days, which must have been private family meetings. Other two were also supposed to be family dinners after movie watching or hotel stay. Masuzoe purchased cartoon books in his family trip. While he explained it as for his job, it is obvious that the books were for his children. Collection of expensive paintings or printings was too much to be explained as studying art.

Masuzoe told that he would pay back that inappropriate spending through donating to charity organization. Art works will be exhibited in public facilities like hospitals or nursery homes. To avoid skepticism of using official vehicle for private purpose, Masuzoe promised to sell his second house in Yugawara, Kanagawa. Those are the voluntary penalty for his inappropriate behavior.

What Masuzoe wanted to stress the most was he did not violate Political Funds Control Act, which does not have any provision about how political money should be used. However, it is apparent that money for political activity should not be used for family vacation. Credibility of Tokyo Governor as a clean politician was seriously eroded. If Masuzoe wanted to regain his political basis, he should step down and run again in the next election.

It is also doubtful that the investigation was exercised from a neutral viewpoint. Two lawyers for the investigation were appointed with the offer from the secretary of Masuzoe. They looked into this issue only in the aspect of crime, not regarding political correctness. The biggest losers are people in Tokyo who elected Masuzoe for their leader.

1 comment:

  1. He is wise enough to decide to sell the second house in Yugawara. He may grt the capital gain and it is muvh better than paying maintenance service fee and fixed asset tax for the useless house with a lot of noisy demo cars of right wing parties, right?
