
High Level Poison in Soil

Tokyo Metropolitan Government released the result of two-year investigation on underground water in Toyosu, where it had a plan to build new fish market. The government detected poisonous materials exceeding standard level at 72 points out of all 201 investigated. It is inevitable that the schedule of opening new market will be delayed for further research.

The result was worth surprise. The investigation detected benzene at 35 points, which density was as high as 0.79 milligram in 1 liter of underground water, exceeding environmental standard of 0.01 milligram. Arsenic was also found at 20 points, which density rose to 0.038 milligram, exceeding the same standard for benzene. The standard was set for no harm for human health with drinking two liter of the water everyday for seventy years.

Serious result was detection of cyan, which must not be found to contain it within the standard level. The investigators found cyan at 39 points, which level rose up to 1.2 milligram at the highest. Although mercury or lead was not detected, it is a serious damage for one of the biggest fish market in the world that deals with raw fish for Japanese cuisine such as sushi or sashimi.

Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, looked like appalled. “I was surprised with the unexpected data. I hope the experts’ meeting to discuss how this problem should be treated. The schedule will depend on their conclusion,” said Koike. As long as Koike postponed the opening of Toyosu Market, once planned in last November, for reconfirmation of food safety, she has to make a difficult decision on opening day of the market.

The government is going to make another research for reconfirmation. If the soil cannot be guaranteed its safety, it is possible that the government will have to give up opening the market. ¥600 billion of money poured into building Toyosu Market can be in vain. Wholesale marketers have invested tens of billions of money for their facilities like refrigerator. They may file lawsuits, requiring compensation to Tokyo government.

Why did the government choose the place, where chemical plant had been installed, for new fish market? It was former ultra-conservative Governor, Shintaro Ishihara, having complicated security situation of Northeast Asia by announcing purchase of Senkaku Islands, who decided move of Tsukiji Market to Toyosu. Some indicate hidden interest of Tokyo Assembly members, related to the moving plan. The biggest job for Koike is to clarify what was in the background of the plan.

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